Committee on Military Law, Military Justice, and Veterans' Rights


Bezpalyy Taras

Deputy Head of the Central Department for the Protection of Servicemen's Rights, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched an open military attack on the territory of Ukraine, violating the rules of war and committing massive war crimes.                                     

Given the constant changes in the military and political situation and the long-term nature of military threats, as well as the challenges faced by the state due to Russian aggression, the legal market of Ukraine, as well as the change (expansion) of the specialization of many lawyers, we have faced the need to develop in-depth (expert) knowledge and skills in the field of military law.

The Committee aims to:                             

  • promote the development of military law and improve military legislation, which may include providing advice and expert assistance in the development of new regulations, standards and provisions governing military activities;
  • facilitating the adaptation of military legislation to the legal standards of NATO member states;
  • promoting professional development of the UBA members in the field of military law (participation in the events of the UBA Students’ League, launching and supporting the initiative "English for military law", "Library of a military law specialist");
  • development of a standard of knowledge and skills of a specialist in the field of military law, development of the concept of initial professional certification and a system of certification upgrade);
  • creating a platform for communication, exchange of information, experience and best practices among different stakeholders. This may include regular meetings, conferences, webinars, and publications that facilitate knowledge sharing and cooperation;
  • consolidation of the legal community to improve the legislation governing military legal relations and military activities in order to protect the rights of military personnel, veterans and their families.

The Committee on Military Law, Military Justice, and Veterans' Rights can be useful for lawyers and legal professionals in many ways:

Expanding and deepening knowledge:

The Committee on Military Law, Military Justice, and Veterans' Rights can contribute to deepening knowledge in the field of military law and increasing expertise. It will allow you to receive guidance and advice from recognized experts in the field. You will be able to discuss practical situations, challenges and solutions related to military law and gain valuable insights that will help you deal with similar issues.



The Committee can be an important platform for building a network of contacts with other lawyers, legal professionals, and military lawyers. You will be able to share experiences, learn best practices and expand your professional network.

Representation and influence:

The Committee can provide a platform for representing your profession and influencing military law. You will be able to participate in policy development, review draft laws and influence the formation of regulations related to the military sphere.

Professional development:

Participation in the Committee can contribute to your professional development by providing opportunities to participate in conferences, seminars, training programs and other events related to military law. You will be able to update your knowledge, improve your skills and enrich your professional practice.

We invite all UBA colleagues to join the Committee and actively participate in its activities!

Counsel LCF Law Group
Senior Associate CMS Cameron McKenna, attorney
Аttorney, Deputy of Ukraine of the 8th convocation
Head of department UBA in Donetsk Region
Attorney AVER LEX
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