Dear Colleagues!
Mediation is developing rapidly in Ukraine. The introduction of mediation is a matter of effective access of citizens to justice and promoting a culture of peaceful settlement of disputes.
The Mediation Committee aims to:
✓ develop the legal profession through mediation, expand the range of legal services accompanied by clients in mediation to resolve disputes;
✓ work to develop in Ukraine a culture of effective dispute resolution through mediation, as an alternative to court or arbitration and through the use of hybrid procedures - mediation and court or mediation and arbitration;
✓ to unite the efforts of the members of the Committee in order to promote the implementation and further improvement of the legislation on mediation;
✓ create initiatives, promote the professional development of members of the Committee and all members of the Ukrainian Bar Association by sharing new knowledge about mediation, its place among the means of resolving disputes, the role of lawyers in mediation;
✓ to improve the experience of mediation in Ukraine, to stimulate the exchange of information on mediation and the practice of its use in our country and abroad, etc.