
Terefenko Olga


The Committee was established to unite the community of professionals in the field of compliance and ethics, exchange knowledge and experience, improve national legislation governing certain aspects of compliance, improve the integrity and ethics of doing business.

The legal community of Ukraine is facing some oversaturation of demand for legal services. Along with the constant interest of young people in obtaining legal education, every year there is a tendencyin narrowing the opportunities for their further successful career and decent pay. At the same time, the global legal market is showing increasing interest in building alternative careers in compliance and business ethics, including corporate governance, GRC, risk management, and sustainability. Professional lawyers have the full opportunity to use their knowledge of the law, understanding of the principles of government and regulatory bodies, experience in interpreting and drafting legislation to successfully build an alternative career.

Among the key activities of the Compliance Committee for 2021 - 2022:

  • organization of discussions with the participation of lawyers, compliance specialists, government officials, scientists;
  • development of an expert and communication platform for the launch of the annual UBA Compliance Forum with the participation of national and international experts;
  • reviewing legislative initiatives and joining the relevant working groups to finalize documents aimed at regulating compliance in Ukraine;
  • educational activities on the implementation of compliance systems and business ethics (participation in events of the UBA Student League, launch and support of the "Compliance Specialist Library"initiative; development of educational standards in the sphere of compliance, development of the concept of primary professional certification and qualification system).

We invite all UBA members, who take interest in compliance, to join the Committee and add value to its work!

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Attorney Redcliffe Partners
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