II Family and Inheritance Law Forum

More information

10:00 – 16:00
National Hotel, 5 Lipska Street, Kyiv / Online (Zoom)
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Contact Person
Tetiana Osaulenko
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Registration Fee

The Ukrainian Bar Association invites you to the II Family and Inheritance Law Forum.

The Forum will address important topics related to marriage, family relationships, and their legal regulation, including mediation. Special attention will be given to issues concerning children: adoption, guardianship, social benefits, parental responsibility, and international aspects of child return to and from Ukraine. Additionally, the discussion will cover the specifics of inheritance and estate planning, including international aspects and judicial practice.

The Forum is held with the financial support of the European Union, provided within the framework of the "CONSENT" project implemented by the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation.

Date: October 3, 2024.

Venue: National Hotel (Lipska Street, 5, Kyiv) / Online (Zoom).

Forum participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Receive comprehensive answers to questions directly from leading experts.
  • Share their own experiences and learn from others.
  • Make new acquaintances and find partners for future cooperation.


09:30 - 10:00 Participants' Registration. Welcome coffee 

10:00 - 10:10 Opening remarks

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM 

Olena Sibirtseva, Chairman of the UBA's Committee on Civil, Inheritance, and Family Law 

10:10 - 11:40 SESSION 1. Marriage, family, and marital relations in today's context


Aminat Suleymanova, Managing Partner at AGA Partners


Olena Sibirtseva, Chairman of the UBA's Committee on Civil, Inheritance, and Family Law 

Olga Stupak, Judge of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court

Iryna Bryliant, Member of the UBA Board, Managing Partner at BRYLIANT LAW GROUP

Maryna Kornienko, attorney at law at Asters

Olena Dryshlyuk, Chair of the UBA Mediation Committee, Lawyer, Certified Family Mediator (online)

Halyna Parusova, Member of the Board of the Kyiv Branch of the Notary Chamber of Ukraine, Member of the Commission of the Notary Chamber of Ukraine on Analytical and Methodological Support of Notarial Activities, private notary


1. Happy family: how to maintain relationships if divorce is imminent?

  • How to start a conversation about divorce within the family, key legal aspects, and psychological considerations
  • Specifics of the procedure for couples living abroad

2. Civil marriage: does "no stamp in the passport" really mean nothing?

  • Evidence for establishing a civil marriage
  • What the law says about property division and inheritance for couples living together without registering their marriage in the registry office

3. Agree or go to court: where to correctly place the comma with the help of a lawyer?

  • What is a residence agreement, participation in child upbringing, and maintenance?
  • Can property be transferred to a child and avoid paying alimony?
  • Marriage agreements and marital property division agreements

4. Agree or go to court: where to correctly place the comma with the help of a mediator?

  • What is family mediation, and how to start a conversation with a partner about children and property in case of divorce to end it peacefully?
  • Pre-partnership mediation

11:40 - 12:10  Сoffee break

12:10 - 14:00 SESSION 2. Children in wartime


Talina Kravtsova, Partner at Asters


Anastasiia Koriachenko, Head of Legal Department of the Coordination Center for Family Upbringing and Childcare Development of Ukraine 

Oleksandr Gubin, Member of the UBA civil, family, and inheritance law Committee, lawyer, specialist in the application of the Hague child Conventions, expert in multi-jurisdictional family disputes, Member of the Child abduction lawyers Association (London, UK)

Stanislav Gursky, psychologist, coach, trainer, director of the "I'm Family" Family Development Center

Yevhen Synelnykov, Judge of the Civil Court of Cassation within the Supreme Court

Olga Tiutiun, Managing Partner of Commercial Mediation Group, co-founder of the Mediation Practices Workshop, honorary member of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, family mediator and supervisor of mediators, certified business mediator under the Business Mediator program of the Academy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Munich and Upper Bavaria (Germany) / Wirtschaftsmediatorin (IHK), certified business trainer, Master of International Law and Psychology

Focus areas:

1. Children without parental care under martial law: how to help?

  • On what grounds can a child acquire the status of an orphan and a child deprived of parental care during the war?
  • With whom can a child without parental care stay?
  • Can children evacuated abroad be adopted?

2. How to help a child in difficult life circumstances? Psychologist's advice

3. Current judicial practice

  • How do courts protect the interests of children?
  • What disputes do parents most often bring to court to protect children's rights?
  • What unusual cases have appeared in judicial practice during the war?

4. Parents' rights and obligations: focusing on the child

  • What is parental responsibility?
  • Why should parents know not only their rights but also their duties towards children?
  • How can the roles of each parent regarding the child be established if the family is no longer together?
  • What is alimony and why is it important to understand the family budget?

5. 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: returning children to and from Ukraine. Key trends and challenges. The 1996 Convention and questions of jurisdiction applicable to children both in Ukraine and abroad

14:00 - 14:30 Coffee break

14:30 - 16:00 SESSION 3: Inheritance and estate planning


Yuri Neklyaev, Deputy Chair of the UBA Civil, Family, and Inheritance Law Committee, Lawyer, Family Mediator


Kateryna Anishenko, Deputy Chair of the UBA Civil, Family, and Inheritance Law Committee, Lawyer at RIYAKO & PARTNERS (online)

Olga Onishchuk, Founder and author of the project "Return your own", Head of the program "Legal security of property" of the Ukrainian Institute of the Future, notary public

Andrii Zaitsev, Judge of the Civil Court of Cassation within the Supreme Court

Christina Aloupa, Attorney at Michael Damianos & Co LLC, Member of the Cyprus Bar Association and Nicosia Bar association (online)

Focus areas:

1. Until death do us part: why consider inheritance during life?

  • What is estate planning?
  • Wills
  • Inheritance agreements
  • Mandatory share
  • Inheritance of damaged/destroyed property

2. Foreign element in inheritance planning and inheritance. The experience of Cyprus

  • Succession planning in Cyprus. What tools are most often used by foreigners?
  • Peculiarities of inheriting property in Cyprus if the testator was a Ukrainian

3. Inheritance through the lens of judicial practice

  • What inheritance cases do courts deal with?
  • What disputes most often arise between heirs and what decisions do courts make?

4. Military personnel and inheritance: what needs to be done during life?

  • Features of drafting a will by military personnel
  • What is a military personnel's order in case of death?
  • What are the rules for paying state aid to military families?

Grateful for invaluable support to our sponsors:

Genaral Partners:

AGA Partners


Socially responsible Partners:



Simultaneous translation provided with support:

The "CONSENT" project, implemented by the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation with financial support from the European Union

Join us! This event will provide you with expert answers, advice, and the latest information on legal aspects of family and inheritance law.

Registration is required to participate in the event.

Participation is confirmed upon payment of the registration fee.

Dear UBA members, please log in before starting the event registration.

The organizers reserve the right to close registration if the maximum number of participants is reached.

For additional information about the event, speaking opportunities, and partnership possibilities, please contact us at: Phone: +38 (063) 792-30-99 (calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or email: tosaulenko@uba.ua. Contact person – Tetiana Osaulenko.

For media accreditation, write to pr@uba.ua. Contact person – Dmytro Cheretun.

Organizing committee
Instructions for partisipants

Working language:


Presentations of the speakers:

All expert presentations will be sent to the participants by e-mail and posted on the event page of the UBA website in the Additional section. 

Coffee breaks and evening buffet:

The catering area is the pre-function area. You will be offered drinks and light snacks.

Voting during the Forum:


In order to participate in the voting, please follow these steps:

From your phone, laptop, or tablet, go to the link www.menti.com or install the Mentimeter app on your device beforehand (links for Android and App Store are available).

In the field that appears, enter the code displayed on the projector screen in the conference hall.

Click the Submit button.

Next, you will get the opportunity to vote.

Security measures at the National Hotel.

For free entry to the Forum hall, we ask you to wear a participant badge.

The hotel security staff will be located in the lobby area (1st floor) and will provide the necessary instructions on how to navigate to the equipped shelter.

The shelter area is located on the -1st floor of the hotel (technical area).

Hotel staff and event coordinators will accompany guests to the shelter.

The event participants are personally responsible for compliance with the requirements of responding to the warning system signal, preserving their own health and life.

Financial Documents:

You can obtain all financial documents by contacting the event coordinator:

Phone: +38 (063) 792 30 99 (calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber). Email: tosaulenko@uba.ua.

Contact person: Tetiana Osaulenko.

If you need to make a note in your travel authorization, please approach the Forum's registration desk.

Partnership proposal
Mediation Help - free platform for Ukrainians for out-of-court settlement of conflicts and disputes

Mediation Help - platform is a response to the demand of the Ukrainian population for an extrajudicial settlement of conflicts and disputes since the possibilities for it were decreased or altered due to the full-scale armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine.

The stress level at which our fellow citizens find themselves is a favourable environment for the emergence of misunderstandings, conflicts, and disputes of various types. To a larger extent, this also applies to Ukrainians forced to search for a safe place for their children and themselves abroad. At the same time, Ukrainian mediators can help in the settlement of such conflicts and disputes, however, because of the war, they lack the opportunity to apply their skills and abilities effectively.

The aim of this platform is to provide information support to the Ukrainian nationals, who fall into various conflict situations, as well as to support Ukrainian mediators, whose experience and skills may be useful in a constructive settlement of conflicts and disputes, and to promote greater interaction between mediators and expand the network of mediators.

For whom the Mediation-Help platform was created?

  • for Ukrainians who are now in Ukraine or abroad and need help in the settlement of conflicts and disputes
  • for mediators who are now abroad and need actual information for the mediators in the host countries
  • for mediators who are ready to work on the settlement of conflicts and disputes (including those, who are in Ukraine and ready to provide online mediation)
  • for foreign mediators who want to get reliable information about mediation in Ukraine and  organisations of ukrainian mediators
  • for everyone who wants to facilitate the settlement of conflicts with the participation of the Ukrainian-speaking population (including the authorities of the host country)
  • for everyone who wants to learn more about mediation.

 How can the Mediation-Help platform be useful?

  • the venue where parties to the conflict (dispute) and mediator can meet, as it has a convenient tool for the search of a mediator
  • the source of information for the parties to the conflict (dispute) considering mediation
  • the source of up-to-date information for the mediators considering mediation in the host countries
  • the source of actual information about mediation in Ukraine for foreign mediators
  • the source of information for everyone interested in mediation
  • the instrument to promote international interaction between mediators and their organisations

Who supports this initiative?

The information platform mediation-help.com was created with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the Project “CONSENT”, which is now being implemented by the PU “Ukrainian Academy of Mediation”.

Different Ukrainian and foreign organisations of mediators, educational establishments, and international organisations joined in supporting this initiative. More information about our partners can be found here

Information booklet: marriage + mediation = understanding. How can mediation help?
An informational booklet for parents on the mediation of international disputes regarding children
An information booklet for employees of justice bodies on the resolution of international disputes regarding children through mediation
Презентації експертів

СЕСІЯ 1.  Шлюб, сімʼя і подружні стосунки в умовах сьогодення

Ольга Ступак, суддя Великої Палати Верховного Суду

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Шлюб, сім'я і подружні стосунки в умовах сьогодення

Галина Парусова, членкиня правління Відділення Нотаріальної палати України в місті Києві, членкиня Комісії Нотаріальної палати України з аналітично-методичного забезпечення нотаріальної діяльності, приватна нотаріуска

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Договір про поділ майна, що є спільною сумісною власністю подружжя. Шлюбний договір

СЕСІЯ 2. Діти в умовах війни

Анастасія Коряченко, керівниця юридичного відділу Координаційного центру з розвитку сімейного виховання та догляду дітей 

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Діти без піклування батьків в умовах воєнного стану. Як допомогти?

Станіслав Гурський, психолог, коуч, тренер, директор центру розвитку сімʼї «I’m Family»

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Діти в умовах війни. Що робити? 

Євген Синельников, суддя Касаційного цивільного суду у складі Верховного Суду

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Актуальна судова практика у спорах щодо дітей

Ольга Тютюн, керуюча партнерка Commercial Mediation Group, співзасновниця Майстерні практик медіації, почесна членкиня Національної Асоціації Медіаторів України, сімейна медіаторка та супервізорка медіаторів, сертифікована бізнес-медіаторка за програмою «Бізнес-медіатор» Академії ТПП Мюнхена та Верхньої Баварії (Німеччина) / Wirtschaftsmediatorin (IHK), сертифікована бізнес-тренерка, Магістр міжнародного права та психології


СЕСІЯ 3. Спадкування і спадкове планування

Ольга Оніщук, засновниця та авторка проєкту «Поверни своє», керівниця програми «Правова безпека власності» Українського інституту майбутнього, нотаріуска

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Спадкування зруйнованої нерухомості: особливості та проблемні питання

Андрій Зайцев, суддя Касаційного цивільного суду у складі Верховного Суду

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Cпадкування: актуальна практика Верховного Суду

Христина Алупа, адвокатка Michael Damianos & Co LLC, членкиня Асоціації адвокатів Кіпру та Асоціації адвокатів Нікосії

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Планування спадщини та процедури правонаступництва на Кіпрі


General Partners
Socially Responsible Partners
Supported by
Information-Analytical Partner
Informational Partner

II Family and Inheritance Law Forum

10:00 – 16:00
National Hotel, 5 Lipska Street, Kyiv / Online (Zoom)
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
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