I Family and Inheritance Law Forum

More information

10:00 – 20:00
Radisson Blu Hotel (22 Yaroslaviv Val Street, Kyiv) / online.
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Contact Person
Tetiana Osaulenko
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Registration Fee

The Ukrainian Bar Association invites you to the I Family and Inheritance Law Forum.

Date: October 13, 2023.

Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel (22 Yaroslaviv Val Street, Kyiv) / online.

The Forum will address the most relevant and complex issues related to family and inheritance law.

Key topics include:

  • Family law matters in times of war. This will include discussions on international property division and registration of children born abroad.
  • Specifics of applying the 1980 Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction during times of armed conflict.
  • Guardianship, custody, and adoption issues in times of war: legal aspects and recommendations.
  • Estate planning and challenges during wartime circumstances, arising in inheritance matters.


09:30 - 10:00 Participants' Registration. Welcome coffee 

10:00 - 10:10 Opening remarks

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM 

Olena Sibirtseva, Chairman of the UBA's Committee on Civil, Inheritance, and Family Law 

10:10 - 11:30 SESSION 1. Current Issues of Family Law in Times of War


Aminat Suleymanova, Managing Partner at AGA Partners


  • Registration vs. Dissolution of Marriage: Why Did Families Choose the Former During Wartime?
  • What Legal Disputes Have Ukrainian Families Faced in the Judicial System During Armed Conflict?
  • Agreement vs. Judicial Proceedings: How Have Family Choices Changed in Times of War?
  • Mediation: The Power of Negotiation on the Path to Victory, or Why Peace is Always Better?


Olga Onishchuk, Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Head of the "Property Legal Security" Program at the Ukrainian Institute of the Future, Lecturer at Kyiv School of Public Administration named after Serhiy Nyzhnyi, Private Notary

Olena Sibirtseva, Chairman of the UBA's Committee on Civil, Inheritance, and Family Law 

Olha Stupak, Judge of the Civil Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court

Inna Sovsun, Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Catherine Karmazina, Mediator, Committee of Mediation Council's member at Ukrainian Bar Association, member of Board at Association of Family Mediators of Ukraine, member of  Ukrainian Academy of Mediation, attorney at law, secretary of Odesa Regional Bar Council, PhD in Law, Associated Professor

11:30 - 12:00 Сoffee break

12:00 - 13:20 SESSION 2. Specifics of Applying the 1980 Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction During Times of War. Challenges and Legislative Novelties


Oleksandr Hubin, Lawyer, Member of the Association of Lawyers for Child Abduction, London, England


  • Current Judicial Practices Regarding the 1980 Convention in Ukraine
  • Challenges Faced by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in Applying the 1980 Convention during Wartime. Discussion of the draft law on amendments to the implementation process "Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Ensuring Ukraine's Implementation of the Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction"
  • Child Returns to Ukraine: An Overview of Foreign Judicial Practices in Applying the 1980 Convention
  • Enforcement of Decisions under the 1980 Convention. Main Issues and Obstacles


Olha Stupak, Judge of the Civil Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court

Kateryna Shevchenko, Deputy Head of the Directorate – Head of the Department on International Legal Assistance, Directorate on International Legal Cooperation and Representation of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

Tetiana Tymchenko, Head of the Department of Complaints Review and Work Organization within the State Enforcement Service Department of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (online)

Kateryna Anishenko, lawyer at the law company «Riyako&Partners»

Rahima Nato Kalfane, Partner at bwg, Officer of the Family law Commission of the International Bar Association (online)

13:20 - 13:50 Сoffee break

13:50 - 15:10 SESSION 3. Guardianship, Custody, and Adoption Issues in Times of War


Talina Kravtsova, Partner at Asters

Topics and Experts:

  • Protection of the Rights of Children Left Without Parental Care During Times of War

Daria Herasymchuk, Advisor to the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights and Children's Rehabilitation (online)

  • Every Child Deserves a Family: Adoption Specifics in Ukraine

Iryna Zaremba, CEO at Zaremba Law Boutique, Co-author of the adoption platform #OurChildren, Co-author and Co-host of the adoption podcast "Mom, I'm Home!", Attorney-at-Law (online)

  • Activities of the Child and Family Services in Establishing Guardianship and Custody

Natalia Nikolaіenko, Head of the Child and Family Services Department of the Holosiivska District State Administration in Kyiv

  • Forced Removal of Children from Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine to Russia: Legal Qualification, Consequences, and Possibilities for Return

Aksana Filipishyna, Deputy Head of the Analytical Department at the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union

15:10 - 15:40 Сoffee break

15:40 - 17:00 SESSION 4. Estate Planning and Challenges in Inheritance Matters During Wartime


Yuri Nekliaiev, Senior Associate at Asters, Member of the UBA's Committee on Civil, Inheritance, and Family Law


  • Inheritance Planning in Ukraine: Features and Issues
  • Challenges of Military Times in Inheritance Matters 
  • Banks in Inheritance Proceedings: Powers and Activities Features
  • Inheritance Disputes in the Judicial Arena


Olena Komarova, Head of Family Office Private Banking aClub, Sens-Bank

Maryna Kornienko, Attorney-at-law at Asters, member of the Council of the UBA Committee on Civil, Inheritance and Family Law

Halyna Parusova, member of the Commission for analytical and methodological support of notarial activity of the Notary Chamber of Ukraine, private notary of the Kyiv City Notary District

Olha Stupak, Judge of the Civil Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court

*The program is preliminary and will be updated.

Grateful for invaluable support to our sponsors:

Genaral Partners:

AGA Partners


Socially responsible partner:


Simultaneous translation provided with support:

The "CONSENT" project, implemented by the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation with financial support from the European Union

This Forum will provide an excellent opportunity for business owners and legal professionals to gain comprehensive knowledge from leading experts. You will have the chance to hear from notaries, state executors, Supreme Court judges, and representatives from the Ministry of Justice, who will share their extensive experience and best practices.

Don't miss this unique chance to deepen your knowledge, find answers to pressing questions, and acquire valuable expertise in the field of family and inheritance law. Register now to become a part of this significant event!

Registration is required to participate in the event.

Participation will be confirmed upon payment of the registration fee.

The first two sessions will be provided with simultaneous translation (Ukrainian - English)

For additional information about the event, speaking opportunities, and partnership possibilities, please contact us at: Phone: +38 (063) 792-30-99 (calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or email: conference@uba.ua. Contact person - Tetiana Osaulenko.

Partnership proposal
Organizing committee

Nataliia Klochay, Partner at JSC "Inflo Legal Company"

Olena Maksimenko, self-employed person, lawyer

Yuri Nekliaiev, Senior Associate at Asters, attorney-at-law 

Olena Sibirtseva, Senior Associate at AGA Partners, attorney-at-law

Instructions for partisipants

Working Languages:

Ukrainian and English. Presentations by foreign experts will be provided with simultaneous translation.

Speaker Presentations:

All expert presentations will be sent to Forum participants via their email addresses.

Coffee Breaks and Evening Reception:

The catering area during coffee breaks will be the Pre-function zone. Beverages and light snacks will be provided.

The evening cocktail area will be the Mille Miglia restaurant.

Voting during the Forum:

To participate in the voting, please follow these steps:

From your phone, laptop, or tablet, go to the link www.menti.com or install the Mentimeter app on your device beforehand (links for Android and App Store are available). Enter the code displayed on the projector screen in the conference hall in the provided field. Press the Submit button. You will then have the opportunity to vote.

Safety Measures for Participants at Radisson Blu Hotel:

For entry into the Forum venue, please wear your participant badge.

During breaks, it is not recommended to leave documents or valuables in the Forum venue.

In the event of an air alarm, all participants must respond to the signals of the alert system and follow the instructions of event coordinators and hotel staff regarding necessary actions.

All participants of the Forum must leave the conference hall and proceed to the temporary underground shelter on the -2nd floor of the hotel (underground parking). The event will continue in the parking area, which will be designated as a special zone.

During an air alarm, hotel staff will be present in the lobby and will escort guests to the shelter. Additionally, Forum participants can follow directional signs placed along the path to the shelter.

Financial Documents:

You can obtain all financial documents by contacting the event coordinator:

Phone: +38 (063) 792 30 99 (calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber). Email: conference@uba.ua. Contact person: Tetiana Osaulenko.

If you need to make a note in your travel authorization, please approach the registration desk.

An informational booklet for parents on the mediation of international disputes regarding children
An information booklet for employees of justice bodies on the resolution of international disputes regarding children through mediation
Mediation Help - free platform for Ukrainians for out-of-court settlement of conflicts and disputes

Mediation Help - platform is a response to the demand of the Ukrainian population for an extrajudicial settlement of conflicts and disputes since the possibilities for it were decreased or altered due to the full-scale armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine.

The stress level at which our fellow citizens find themselves is a favourable environment for the emergence of misunderstandings, conflicts, and disputes of various types. To a larger extent, this also applies to Ukrainians forced to search for a safe place for their children and themselves abroad. At the same time, Ukrainian mediators can help in the settlement of such conflicts and disputes, however, because of the war, they lack the opportunity to apply their skills and abilities effectively.

The aim of this platform is to provide information support to the Ukrainian nationals, who fall into various conflict situations, as well as to support Ukrainian mediators, whose experience and skills may be useful in a constructive settlement of conflicts and disputes, and to promote greater interaction between mediators and expand the network of mediators.

For whom the Mediation-Help platform was created?

  • for Ukrainians who are now in Ukraine or abroad and need help in the settlement of conflicts and disputes
  • for mediators who are now abroad and need actual information for the mediators in the host countries
  • for mediators who are ready to work on the settlement of conflicts and disputes (including those, who are in Ukraine and ready to provide online mediation)
  • for foreign mediators who want to get reliable information about mediation in Ukraine and  organisations of ukrainian mediators
  • for everyone who wants to facilitate the settlement of conflicts with the participation of the Ukrainian-speaking population (including the authorities of the host country)
  • for everyone who wants to learn more about mediation.

 How can the Mediation-Help platform be useful?

  • the venue where parties to the conflict (dispute) and mediator can meet, as it has a convenient tool for the search of a mediator
  • the source of information for the parties to the conflict (dispute) considering mediation
  • the source of up-to-date information for the mediators considering mediation in the host countries
  • the source of actual information about mediation in Ukraine for foreign mediators
  • the source of information for everyone interested in mediation
  • the instrument to promote international interaction between mediators and their organisations

Who supports this initiative?

The information platform mediation-help.com was created with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the Project “CONSENT”, which is now being implemented by the PU “Ukrainian Academy of Mediation”.

Different Ukrainian and foreign organisations of mediators, educational establishments, and international organisations joined in supporting this initiative. More information about our partners can be found here

Презентації доповідачів

СЕСІЯ 1. Актуальні питання сімейного права в умовах війни 

Ольга Ступак, суддя Касаційного цивільного суду у складі Верховного Суду

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Розгляд сімейних спорів в умовах воєнного стану: нові виклики

СЕСІЯ 2. Особливості застосування Конвенції про цивільно-правові аспекти міжнародного викрадення дітей 1980 року в умовах воєнного стану. Виклики та новели у правотворенні

Ольга Ступак, суддя Касаційного цивільного суду у складі Верховного Суду

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Повернення дітей в Україну. Іноземна судова практика щодо застосування  Конвенції 1980 року

Катерина Шевченко, заступниця директора Департаменту – начальниця Управління міжнародної правової допомоги Департаменту міжнародного співробітництва та представництва Міністерства юстиції України

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Головні виклики для Міністерства юстиції України як центрального органу з виконання Конвенції про цивільно-правові аспекти міжнародного викрадення дітей

Рахіма Нато Калфане, партнерка bwg, офіцерка комісії сімейного права Міжнародної асоціації юристів

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Specifics of Applying the 1980 Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction During Times of War: The French approach

СЕСІЯ 3. Питання опіки, піклування, усиновлення в умовах війни

Ірина Заремба, CEO Zaremba Law Boutique, співавторка платформи про усиновлення #НашіДіти, співавторка та співведуча подкасту про усиновлення «Мамо, я вдома!»

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Родина для кожної дитини: особливості усиновлення в Україні



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I Family and Inheritance Law Forum

10:00 – 20:00
Radisson Blu Hotel (22 Yaroslaviv Val Street, Kyiv) / online.
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
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