XII Judicial Forum: "Judicial Authority: How to Overcome the Crisis?"

More information

10:00 – 20:00
Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv, Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska Str. 1, Kyiv, Ukraine / online
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Contact Person
Tetiana Osaulenko
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Registration Fee

The Ukrainian Bar Association jointly with USAID Justice for All Activity, invites you to the XII Judicial Forum: "Judicial Authority: How to Overcome the Crisis?" – one of the largest and most influential event of the year in the country's legal market.

At this event, you will have an exceptional opportunity to engage in discussions on the most pressing issues related to justice and judicial authority. The speakers and guests will include representatives from the Supreme Court and various levels of the judicial system, heads of higher state institutions, prosecutors, prominent lawyers, foreign experts, diplomats, scholars, and civic leaders.

Date: November 16, 2023.

Venue: Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv (conference hall Atrium, 2nd floor), Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska Str. 1, Kyiv / online.


09:30 - 10:00 Participant Registration. Welcoming Coffee

10:00 - 10:10 Opening Remarks

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM 

Stanislav Kravchenko, Chairman of the Supreme Court

10:10 - 11:30 Q&A Session. The Judicial System: Responding to the Crisis and Seeking Solutions


Anna Ogrenchuk, Managing Partner at LCF Law Group

Focus areas:

  1. Necessary steps to emerge from the judicial system crisis
  2. Ukraine's tasks in reforming the judicial system on the path to European and Euro-Atlantic integration
  3. Improving the judge selection process – a step towards reforming the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
  4. New concepts for reforming the court system: finding answers to key questions
  5. Announced competitions for filling vacant judge positions: challenges and necessary further steps to address the personnel shortage


Stanislav Kravchenko, Chairman of the Supreme Court

Dmytro Lukianov, Deputy Chair of the High Council of Justice

Denys Maslov, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy 

Roman Ihnatov, Chairman of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine - Head of the First Chamber 

Oleksandr Ilkov, General Director of the Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Coordination 

Mykhailo Zhernakov, Co-Founder, Chair of the Board of the DEJURE Foundation

11:30 - 12:00 Сoffee Break

12:00 - 13:40 Panel Discussion. Sanctions Cases and Property Disputes Involving the State: Experience and Challenges

12:00 - 12:45 Discussion Subpanel "Sanctions Cases"


Volodymyr Vashchenko, Partner-Сo-founder at VB PARTNERS, head of Dispute Resolution practice

Topics and Experts:

1. Features of handling and the standard of proof in sanctions cases

Inna Bohatykh, Director of the Department of Sanctions Policy at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 

2. Judicial practice of appealing imposed sanctions

Andrii Nykyforov, Judge-Speaker of the Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court 

3. Management of property seized for state income

Olesia Shevchuk, Deputy Director of the Legal Department of the State Property Fund of Ukraine

4. 10 Issues with Asset Recovery Procedures for State Revenue

Volodymyr Yenich, Partner at AVER LEX

12:45 - 12:55 Technical Break

12:55 - 13:40 Discussion Subpanel "Property Disputes Involving the State. Compensation for losses"


Euvgen Riyako, Managing Partner at RIYAKO&PARTNERS

Focus areas:

  1. Disputes related to forced property alienation
  2. Disputes concerning the return of land to state and municipal ownership
  3. Сompensation of damages for civilians as a result of the war


Ruslan Kvitin, Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of Military Justice of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Justice Lieutenant 

Hanna Tyshchenko, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Representation at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (online)

Olena Fonova, Judge of the Commercial Court of Luhansk Region 

Iryna Kobets, Partner, Нead of legal practice at LCF Law Group

13:40 - 14:10 Сoffee Break

14:10 - 15:10 Session 3. Trends in the Development of Judicial Practice in Key Directions


Julian Khorunzhyi, Senior Partner at Ario Law Firm

Focus areas:

1. Current judicial practice in corporate disputes

Olena Kibenko, Judge of the Cassation Commercial Court within the Supreme Court 

2. Current judicial practice in bankruptcy cases

Olena Volianska, Partner at LCF Law Group

3. Protection of property rights in wartime. Legislation and judicial practice

Nazarii Adamchuk, Partner at Alekseev Boyarchukov & Partners

4. Current issues in enforcing court decisions under the legal regime of a state of war

Andriy Avtorhov, Private Executor

15:10 - 15:20 Technical Break

15:20 - 16:20 Session 4. Justice in War-Related Cases


Victoria Konovalova, Head of the UBA's Department in Donetsk Oblast, Attorney 

Topics and Experts:

1. Challenges faced by judges, prosecutors, and defense lawyers during the consideration of war crimes

Mykhailo Odariuk, Deputy Chairman of the Irpinsky City Court of the Kyiv Region

Stanislav Petrenko, Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department of the Department for Combating Crimes Committed in Armed Conflict Conditions at the Office of the Prosecutor General

Uliana Pashynna, Legal Advisor, USAID Justice For All Activity (online)

2. Payment and Other Guaranteed Benefits for Military Personnel: Current Status, Issues, and Prospects for the Enforcement of Court Decisions

Volodymyr Alimenko, Deputy Chairman of the Sixth Appellate Administrative Court 

Kateryna Anishenko, lawyer at RIYAKO&PARTNERS

16:20 - 16:50 Сoffee Break

16:50 - 17:50 HARDtalk. Lawyers' Accountability as a Component of Judicial Reform


Kseniia Prokhur, dispute resolution practice Counsel at Baker McKenzie

Focus areas:

  1. Corruption scandals in the judicial system: ways to overcome and prevent them
  2. Procedural and disciplinary responsibility of lawyers. Finding the boundaries of what is allowed. The court's and the legal profession's perspectives
  3. The practice of considering disciplinary complaints against judges. The role of the legal profession and the approach of the High Council of Justice


Roman Maselko, Member of the High Council of Justice

Sergiy Matviyiv, Managing Partner at Matviyiv and Partners

Andriy Savchuk, Partner at MORIS

Vira Mykhaylenko, Head of the High Anti-Corruption Court  

17:50 - 20:00 Networking

We extend our gratitude to the partners for their support in organizing the event:


USAID Justice for All Activity

General Partner:

LCF Law Group


Alekseev Boyarchukov & Partners



Session Partners:

Ario Law Firm


Matviyiv and Partners

Socially responsible partners:

Baker McKenzie


Don't miss this opportunity to collectively examine the most crucial aspects of justice and contribute to the construction of a just society. Join us on November 16th!

Registration is required for attendance at the event.

Participation is complimentary for judges. For all other attendees, participation is confirmed upon the completion of the registration process, which include a registration fee.

For additional information about the event, speaking opportunities, and partnership possibilities, please contact us at tel.: +38 (063) 792-30-99 (calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or email: conference@uba.ua. Contact person: Tetiana Osaulenko.

Partnership proposal
Organizing Committee

Volodymyr Vashchenko, Managing Partner at VB PARTNERS

Volodymyr Yenich, Partner at AVER LEX

Iryna Kobets, Counsel, Head of Judicial Practice at LCF Law Group

Oleksiy Koltok, Counsel at Sayenko Kharenko

Ksenia Prokhur, Counsel at Baker McKenzie

Yevhen Riiako, Managing Partner at RIYAKO & PARTNERS

Andriy Savchuk, Partner at MORIS

Aminat Suleymanova, Managing Partner at AGA Partners

Julian Khorunzhyi, Senior Partner at Ario Law Firm

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За електронною поштою: conference@uba.ua.

Контактна особа — Тетяна Осауленко.

Якщо Вам необхідно зробити відмітку в посвідченні про відрядження, зверніться, будь ласка, до стійки реєстрації.

Презентації експертів

Дискусійна підпанель «Санкційні справи»

Інна Богатих, директорка Департаменту санкційної політики Міністерства юстиції України 

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Особливості розгляду та стандарт доказування у санкційних справах

Андрій Никифоров, суддя-спікер Апеляційної палати вищого антикорупційного суду 

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Судова практика оскарження застосованих санкцій

Володимир Єніч, партнер AVER LEX

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: 10 проблем процедури стягнення активів в дохід держави

Дискусійна підпанель «Майнові спори за участю держави. Компенсація збитків»

Ірина Кобецьпартнерка, керівниця судової практики LCF Law Group

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Спори щодо повернення земель у державну та комунальну власність

Олена Фонова, суддя Господарського суду Луганської області 

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Примусове відчуження майна на користь ЗСУ


Сесія 3. Тенденції розвитку судової практики за ключовими напрямками

Олена Кібенко, суддя Касаційного господарського суду у складі Верховного Суду 

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Актуальна судова практика у корпоративних спорах

Олена Волянська, партнерка LCF Law Group

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Актуальна судова практика у справах про банкрутство 

Андрій Авторгов, приватний виконавець 

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Актуальні питання виконання судових рішень в умовах правового режиму воєнного стану

Сесія 4. Правосуддя у справах, пов’язаних з війною

Михайло Одарюк, Заступник голови Ірпінського міського суду Київської області 

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Судове провадження по воєнним злочинам: виклики



Co-organizer: USAID Justice for All Activity
General Partner
Session Partners
Socially responsible partners:
Information Partners

XII Judicial Forum: "Judicial Authority: How to Overcome the Crisis?"

10:00 – 20:00
Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv, Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska Str. 1, Kyiv, Ukraine / online
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
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