І Forum on Anti-Corruption Law

More information

10:00 – 20:00
Hilton Hotel Kyiv, 30 Taras Shevchenko Blvd. 30, Kyiv / Online
Contact Phone
+38 (098) 764-21 53
Contact Person
Tetiana Fodor
+38 (098) 764-21 53
Registration Fee

We invite you to join the І Forum on Anti-Corruption Law. Become an active participant of this important event that will bring innovative views and ideas for further development of the fight against corruption.

Date: March 7, 2024

Location: Hilton Hotel, Kyiv, 30 Taras Shevchenko Blvd. 30, Kyiv / Online

You will have an opportunity to exchange views and have an active discussion with leading experts in the field of anti-corruption law, including judges, representatives of state authorities and experienced legal practitioners

This event will become a platform for important exchange of experience and innovations in the field of anti-corruption law. Register now to be a part of this important discussion that will contribute to the improvement of the anti-corruption fight in Ukraine.


09:30–10:00 Registration of participants. Welcome coffee. 

10:00–10:10 Opening of the event

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner of AVELLUM

10:10–11:30 Session 1: Anti-corruption policy in the state

Maksym Sheverdin, Partner, Head of Criminal Law Practice at LCF Law Group  


1. Ilya Mikhailov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Prozorro.Sale JSC

«Prozorro.Sale as an instrument of the state's anti-corruption policy in the field of public sector asset management»

2. Tetiana Korotka, Deputy Business Ombudsman

«Improving Law Enforcement and Good Administration as a Strategy for Preventing Corruption in Public Bodies»

3. Denys Bugay, Founding Partner of VB PARTNERS   

«Violation of HACCU jurisdiction as an element of excessive burden»

4. Stanislav Borys, Managing Partner of Vidar, Member of the Board of the UBA Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

«Reflection of anti-corruption policy in the state in practice»

12:00–13:20 Session 2: Peculiarities of consideration of corruption cases under martial law


Olga Prosyanyuk, Managing Partner of AVER LEX  

In focus:

1. Yevhen Kruk, judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine

«The role of the opening statement in the examination of evidence. Submission of written evidence»

2. Danyila Chornenka, Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court, first Head of the HACC Appeals Chamber 

«Conducting a court hearing via videoconference under martial law»

3. Serhiy Podhoretz, prosecutor of the sixth department of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office of the Prosecutor General's Office

4. Kostiantyn Kravchuk, Senior Detective — Deputy Head of the Third Detective Division of the Second Detective Unit of the Main Detective Unit of the NABU

«Plea bargains in corruption crimes: a balance between the public interest and the principle of inevitability of punishment»

5. Dmytro Ostapenko, Head of Criminal Law Practice at Krolevetsky & Partners Law Firm

«Negative tendencies of the High Anti-Corruption Court to go beyond the charges of corruption crimes: review of practice and discussion of possible ways to counteract»

6. Vladimir Hrle, defence counsel, ECBA Advisory Board Member and ACE WG Co-Chair (online / Serbia)

7. Amedeo Barletta, Criminal Lawyer, ECBA Vice-Chair and ACE WG Co-Chair (online / Italy)

«EBA Position on the EU Commission Anti-Corruption Directive»

13:30–14:30 Lunch break

14:30–15:50 Session 3: Sanctions issues: effective tools for combating corruption


Semen Khanin, PhD in Economics, Attorney at Law, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Managing Partner of Amber Law Company.


Agiya Zagrebelska, Head of Corruption Risk Mitigation in the NACP Sanctions Policy 

Inna Bohatykh, Director of the Sanctions Policy Department

Inna Bilous, judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine

Andriy Nikiforov, judge-speaker of the HACC Appeals Chamber

Yevhen Petrov, Judge of the Civil Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court, Doctor of Law.

«Practice of the Civil Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court in cases on recognition of unjustified assets and their recovery to the state revenue»

Yevhen Grushovets, Partner at Ario Law Firm, Head of the Public Anti-Corruption Council at the Ministry of Defense

«The Russian Trail and the Sanctions Mechanism: Widespread Abuse of Law Enforcement»

15:50–16:20 Coffee break

16:20–17:50 Session 4: Trends in the development of anti-corruption law

Artem Krykun-Trush, Partner at Miller Law Firm


Polina Lysenko, Deputy Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine

«Changes in legislation in connection with the future membership in the OECD WG»

Andriy Fortunenko, Partner, Head of Business Protection Practice at Avellum, Member of the Board of the UBA Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

«Trends in the application of Article 364 of the Criminal Code»

Kateryna Gupalo, Partner at Arzinger 

«Extradition under martial law»

Volodymyr Petrakovskyi, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

«Goodbye local, hello regional and global»

Yevhenia Ocheretko, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Philip Morris Ukraine

«Lobbying in Ukraine — will the new law help to regulate the industry»

17:50–20:00 Reception. Networking.

*The program is preliminary and will be updated

We are grateful for the support in organizing the event:




Session partners:

Ario Law Firm

Amber Law Company

Krolevetsky & Partners Law Firm

Miller Law Firm

LCF Law Group

Socially responsible partner:


Registration is required to participate in the event.

Participation is considered confirmed after payment of the registration fee.

For more information about the event, participation as a speaker and partnership opportunities, please contact us by phone: +38 (098) 764-21-53 (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or e-mail: forum@uba.ua. Contact person — Tetiana Fodor.

Partner, Head of Criminal Law Practice at LCF Law Group
Голова Наглядової ради АТ «Прозорро.Продаж»
Заступниця бізнес-омбудсмена
Партнер-засновник VB PARTNERS
Керуючий партнер АО «Відар», член Ради Комітету АПУ з кримінального та кримінально-процесуального права
Managing Partner of AVER LEX
Суддя Вищого антикорупційного суду України
Суддя Апеляційної палати Вищого антикорупційного суду, перша Голова Апеляційної палати ВАКС
Старший детектив – заступник керівника Третього відділу детективів Другого підрозділу детективів Головного підрозділу детективів НАБУ
Прокур шостого відділу Спеціалізованої антикорупційної прокуратури Офісу Генерального прокурора
Керівник практики кримінального права АО «Кролевецький та партнери»
Адвокат, Белград, Сербія, член Консультативної ради ECBA та співголова ACE WG (онлайн)
Адвокат у кримінальних справах з Італії, віце-голова ECBA та співголова ACE WG (онлайн)
Кандидат економічних наук, адвокат, Заслужений юрист України, керуючий партнер Amber Law Company.
Очільниця напряму мінімізації корупційних ризиків в санкційній політиці НАЗК
Директорка Департаменту санкційної політики Міністерства юстиції України
Суддя Вищого антикорупційного суду України
Суддя Касаційного цивільного суду у складі Верховного Суду, д.ю.н.
Партнер Ario Law Firm, голова Громадської антикорупційної ради при Міноборони
Суддя-спікер Апеляційної палати Вищого антикорупційного суду України
Партнер, Голова практики захисту бізнесу Avellum, член Ради Комітету АПУ з кримінального та кримінально-процесуального права
Старший викладач факультету правничих наук НаУКМА
Partnership proposal
Organizing Committee

Artem Krykun-Trush, Partner at Miller

Kyrylo Krolevetsky, Head of Krolevetsky & Partners Law Firm  

Maksym Sheverdin, Partner, Head of Criminal Law Practice at LCF Law Group  

Olga Prosyanyuk, Managing Partner at AVER LEX 

Stanislav Borys, Managing Partner of Vidar Law Firm

Instructions for Participants


The Forum's working sessions will be held in the Dallas Conference Room (2nd floor of the hotel).

Working language:


Presentations of the speakers:

All expert presentations will be sent to the Forum participants by e-mail and posted on the event page of the UBA website in the Additional section. 

Coffee breaks and evening buffet:

Catering area — Grand Lobby (2nd floor of the hotel). Beverages and light snacks will be provided.

Security measures at Hilton Kyiv:

In the event of an air raid, please follow the stairs to the shelter zone located on the 1st floor of the hotel (level B1, underground parking).

The hotel security staff will be in the lobby area (1st floor) and will provide the necessary instructions on how to navigate to the equipped shelter.

The participant of the event is personally responsible for compliance with the requirements of responding to the warning system signal, preserving his/her health and life.

Financial documents:

All financial documents can be obtained by contacting the event coordinator by phone: +38 (098) 764 21 53 (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or by e-mail: forum@uba.ua.

Contact person — Tetiana Fodor.

If you need to make a note in your travel certificate, please contact the registration desk.

Презентації експертів

Сесія 1. Антикорупційна політика в державі

Денис Бугай, партнер-засновник VB PARTNERS   


Сесія 3. Санкційні питання: ефективні інструменти протидії корупції

Інна Білоус, суддя Вищого антикорупційного суду України


Євген Петров, суддя Касаційного цивільного суду у складі Верховного Суду, д.ю.н.


Сесія 4. Тенденції розвитку антикорупційного права

Поліна Лисенко, заступниця Директора Національного антикорупційного бюро України


Андрій Фортуненко, Партнер, Голова практики захисту бізнесу Avellum, член Ради Комітету АПУ з кримінального та кримінально-процесуального права


Катерина Гупало, партнерка Arzinger 


Володимир Петраковський, старший викладач факультету правничих наук НаУКМА


Євгенія Очеретько, менеджерка з регуляторних питань, Philip Morris Ukraine






Session partners
Socially responsible partner
Information and analytical partner
Information partners

І Forum on Anti-Corruption Law

10:00 – 20:00
Hilton Hotel Kyiv, 30 Taras Shevchenko Blvd. 30, Kyiv / Online
Contact Phone
+38 (098) 764-21 53
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