IIІ Labor Law Forum

More information

10:00 – 14:30
Online (Zoom)
Contact Phone
+38 (098) 764-21 53
Contact Person
Tetiana Fodor
+38 (098) 764-21 53
Registration Fee

The Ukrainian Bar Association invites you to the IIІ Labor Law Forum, which will become an important platform for discussing topical issues in the field of labor law.

Date: September 26, 2024
Venue: online (Zoom)

The Forum will become a platform for discussing the most pressing issues in the labor sphere, including new challenges and changes in legislation. Participants will be able to share their experience and learn about the latest trends affecting the work of companies and their employees.

The speakers will include leading experts, government officials, judges, lawyers and business representatives.

Register now so that you don't miss this unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge and join the exchange of ideas with prominent experts. Join us and expand your capabilities in the field of tax law.


10:00 - 10:10 Opening of the event

10:10 - 11:50 Session 1: Political

11:50 - 12:00 Break 

12:00 - 12:40 Session 2: Practical

12:40 - 12:50 Break 

12:50 - 14:30 Session 3: Judicial

*The program is preliminary and will be updated

To participate in the event, registration is REQUIRED.

Participation is considered confirmed upon payment of the registration fee.

For more information about the event, participation as a speaker and partnership opportunities, please contact us by phone: +38 (098) 764-21-53 (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or e-mail: forum@uba.ua. Contact person - Tetiana Fodor.

For media accreditation, please contact pr@uba.ua. Contact person - Dmytro Cheretun.

Презентації експертів

Сесія 2: Практична

Інна Кострицька, радниця, керівниця практики трудового права INTEGRITES, співголова комітету з людського капіталу Американської торгівельної палати в Україні


Інеса Летич, радниця, співкерівниця практики трудового права Asters


Сесія 3: Судова

Віталій Уркевич, Секретар Великої Палати Верховного Суду


Дмитро Гудима, суддя Верховного Суду у Касаційному цивільному суді


Василь Крат, суддя Верховного Суду у Касаційному цивільному суді



Organizing committee
  • Valeriia Bezpala, Partner at Vasil Kisil & Partners, Head of the UBA Labor Law Committee
  • Kyrylo Kazak, Partner at KPD Consulting Law Firm
  • Olena Kibenko, judge of the Supreme Court
  • Inessa Letych, Counsel at Asters
  • Victoria Ogryza, Head of Legal Department at PepsiCo Ukraine
  • Sergiy Silchenko, Managing Partner of Roland Law Firm, Deputy Chairman of the UBA Labor Law Committee
Partnership proposal


Партнер сесії

IIІ Labor Law Forum

10:00 – 14:30
Online (Zoom)
Contact Phone
+38 (098) 764-21 53
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