I Investment Forum

More information

06.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
15:00 – 20:00
Hilton Kyiv Hotel, 30 T. Shevchenko Blvd., Kyiv / Online (Zoom)
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Contact Person
Tetiana Osaulenko
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Registration Fee

The Ukrainian Bar Association invites you to the I Investment Forum - a platform for discussing prospective investment opportunities and addressing legal challenges in sectors crucial for the sustainable development of Ukraine.

This event aims to bring together key stakeholders (government officials, business leaders, legal professionals, and foreign investors) on a single platform to highlight significant legal aspects influencing business and investments in Ukraine. It includes an in-depth analysis of Ukraine's investment climate, dispelling common myths about conducting business in our country, preparing Ukrainian businesses for European Union integration, and focusing on recent legal improvements in sectors such as agriculture, extractive industries, energy, and defense. Identifying existing legal issues and presenting practical solutions is also a key focus.

Date, time, and venue:

June 6, 2024, 3:00-6:30 PM Kyiv time - Online (Zoom).

June 7, 2024, 10:00 AM-8:00 PM Kyiv time - Hilton Kyiv Hotel (Dallas Conference hall, 2nd floor), 30 T. Shevchenko Blvd., Kyiv / Online (Zoom).


1st Day, June 6, 2024

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Working language: English. Simultaneous translation will be provided

15:00-15:10 Opening remarks

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM 

Andy Hunder, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine 

Makar Paseniuk, Founding Partner at ICU Group

15:10-16:30 Session 1. Helicopter view: investment climate in Ukraine


Olga Fedosova, Partner at White&Case (Paris, France)

Focus areas:

  • Roles of public and private sector players in Ukraine’s recovery
  • Main achievements and challenges of investing in Ukraine today
  • What it takes to improve the investment climate in Ukraine and support foreign investments and recovery of the country going forward
  • Commercial Justice in Ukraine: a roadmap for improvement


Makar Paseniuk, Founding Partner at ICU Group

Marlena Hurley, Managing Director, Political Risk Insurance & Reinsurance at U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) 

Bozidar Djelik, Managing Director, Head of Lazard for Central and Eastern Europe, CIS (ex-Soviet Union), and Turkey

Stefan Weiler, Head of CEEMEA Debt Capital Markets at J.P. Morgan

Patricia Shaughnessy, Professor at Stockholm University

16:30-17:00 Presentation of the report "Unlocking Investment in Ukraine"

Maria Tymofienko, Head of Projects, Ukraine International Law Response, British Institute for International and Comparative Law (BIICL)

Sir Robin Knowles CBE, Judge of the High Court of England & Wales, Judge of the London Commercial Court

Brian Haines, Policy Advisor, Ukraine Response, UK Ministry of Justice

17:00-18:30 Session 2. Common myths about doing business in Ukraine


Daniel Cousens, Corporate Partner at Linklaters (Warsaw, Poland)

Focus areas:

  • Regulatory hurdles
  • Currency controls
  • How does the war affect day–to-day business in practical ways 
  • Corruption issues
  • Judicial system issues


Anna Babych, Executive Partner at AEQUO, Head of M&A and Corporate/Commercial

Tetyana Dovgan, Corporate/M&A Partner in the Kyiv office of CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang

Olena Kibenko, Judge of the Cassation Commercial Court within the Supreme Court

Volodymyr Sayenko, Partner at SAYENKO KHARENKO

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM 

2nd Day, June 7, 2024

Venue: Dallas Hall, Hilton Kyiv Hotel, 30 Taras Shevchenko Blvd., Kyiv / Online (Zoom)

Working languages: Ukrainian / English. Simultaneous translation will be provided

09:30-10:00 Participant registration. Welcome coffee

10:00-10:10 Opening remarks

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM and the Head of Corporate/M&A

Liudmyla Yenina, Director of the Department of Economic Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine     

10:10-11:40 Session 1. Ukraine's accession to the European Union: implications for business?


Anzhela Makhinova, Partner at SAYENKO KHARENKO

Focus areas:

  • Initial changes businesses should prepare for
  • Opportunities and challenges for Ukrainian product exports to the EU
  • Opportunities and challenges for importing goods from the EU to Ukraine
  • First-hand experience of Ukrainian business expansion into the EU
  • ESG and its impact on business in Ukraine


Yevgeniya Piddubna, Director of Corporate Communications at JSC "Farmak"

Oleksandr Kalenkov, President of the Association of Enterprises "Ukrmetalurgprom"

Anna Lazurenko, Director of Legal Affairs at Nibulon

Mykhailo Poliakov, Acting Head of External Affairs at Philip Morris Ukraine

Oleksii Riabchyn, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine

Inna Khomych, Director of Legal Affairs at the "Nova Poshta" Group of Companies

11:40-12:10 Coffee break

12:10-13:40 Session 2. Reforms during the war - what working conditions can businesses expect?


Andriy Reun, Partner at LCF Law Group 

Focus areas

  • Investing in times of war – what drives businesses and what are they counting on?
  • The new taxation system under the National Strategy 2030 – will it pose a barrier to investment?
  • "Overcoming customs borders" – will customs reform simplify business operations?
  • Prospects of insurance against war and political risks: opportunities for foreign and domestic investors
  • Rule of Law – necessary changes to enhance investment protection


Oksana Myronko, Head of Communications at the European Business Association (online)

Oleg Hetman, Coordinator of the Expert Groups of the Economic Expert Platform, and member of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Business Council

Artem Yarmola, Deputy Director of the Legal Department at FOZZY GROUP

Oleksandr Kryzhanivskyy, Director at Universal Insurance Brokers and Consultants LLC

Roman Waschuk, Business Ombudsman

Ivanna Smachylo, Deputy Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine 

13:40-13:50 Presentation of the book “Unbreakable Business”

Co-authors of the book: 

Oleksandr Golizdra, beneficiary of the communication agency “Market.Info”, Сhairman of the committee of the Public Council at the Bucha District State Administration, Сo-author of the book “Unbreakable Business”

Sergiy Shevchenko, Director of the communication agency “Market.Info”, Сo-author of the book “Unbreakable Business”

13:50-15:00 Lunch break

15:00-16:00 Parallel sessions

15:00-16:00 Session 3.1. Challenges and opportunities in the agricultural sector


Maryan Martynyuk, Senior Partner at MORIS

Focus areas:

  • Investments in the industry during wartime. What are the key players betting on?
  • Logistics under blockade conditions. New challenges and adaptation to difficulties
  • Fundraising engagement
  • Technologies in Agriculture. What will help the sector become more efficient?


Viktor Dovhan, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine 2016-2019, Advisor to Upper Silesian Fund FGSA

Mykola Gorbachov, President of the Ukraine Grain Association

Yurii Kozak, Director of the Large Corporate Clients Department at JSC Raiffeisen Bank

Oleksii Rashchupkin, Managing Partner at Altius Capital

15:00-16:00 Session 3.2. Challenges and opportunities in natural resource extraction


Maksym Maksymenko, Partner at AVELLUM, Head of Real Estate and Infrastructure

Focus areas:

  • Restoration of the extractive industry
  • Improvement of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
  • Government support for extraction
  • Decarbonization


Mykola KolisnykDeputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine

Yuliia Borzhemska, Regulatory Policy Manager at DTEK Naftogaz (online)

Yuliia Lushpiienko, Head of legal (Mining projects) at BGV Group

Svitlana Romanova, Chief Legal Officer at Metinvest Holding

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

16:30-17:30 Parallel sessions 4

16:30-17:30 Session 4.1. Challenges and opportunities in the defense sector


Michael Lukashenko, Partner at AEQUO

Focus areas:

  • Changes in warfare strategies: new horizons for investors
  • Prospects of Ukrainian defense technologies in the global market
  • Joint ventures and technology transfer: prospects for military production in Ukraine
  • The role of the state in the development of the defense sector: regulator, investor, customer


Daniil Fedorchuk, Director of the Legal Department at UkrOboronProm, PhD in Law, Associate Professor

Michael Hewitt, Rear Admiral (Ret.) U.S. Navy, Co-Founder and CEO of IP3 (online)

Anton Melnyk, Founding Partner, Executive Director at MITS Capital

Kateryna Mykhalko, Director-General at Tech Force in UA 

Misha Rudominski, Co-Founder at Himera

16:30-17:30 Session 4.2. Challenges and opportunities in the energy sector


Oleksiy Feliv, Managing Partner at INTEGRITES

Focus areas:

  • Reconstruction of the energy sector and its financing: losses, government plans, Build Back Better principle
  • Green electricity: financing, guarantees, future development directions
  • Green gases: pilot projects, technologies, exports, intergovernmental projects with the EU


Olga Yeriomina, Associate Director, Senior Banker, Energy Europe at EBRD (online)

Olga Kovalchuk, Head of Finance and Investment at Goldbeck Solar (online)

Yaroslav Kryl, CEO at Hydrogen of Ukraine LLC

Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Head at Ukrenergo

Oleksandr Podprugin, Country Manager Ukraine at Notus Energy

17:30-20:00 Evening reception. Networking

We appreciate the support in organizing the event:

General Partner:

ICU Group



Partner of the Session 2. Common myths about doing business in Ukraine:

CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang

Partner of the Session 1. Ukraine's accession to the European Union: implications for business?:


Partner of the Session 2. Reforms during the war - what working conditions can businesses expect?:

LCF Law Group

Partner of the Session 3.1. Challenges and opportunities in the agricultural sector:


Partner of the 3.2. Extraction of natural resources:


Partner of the Session 4.2. Challenges and opportunities in the energy sector:


Participation in the event requires COMPULSORY REGISTRATION.

Participation in the event is only confirmed after the payment of the registration fee.

The organizers reserve the right to close registration when the maximum number of participants is reached.

For additional information about the event, participation as a speaker, and partnership opportunities, contact the organizers at tel .: +38 (044) 492-88-48, +38 (063) 792-30-99 (calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or email: tosaulenko@uba.ua. Contact person - Tetiana Osaulenko.

Partner at White&Case (Paris, France)
Founding Partner at ICU Group
Managing Director, Political Risk Insurance & Reinsurance at U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)
Managing Director, Head of Lazard for Central and Eastern Europe, CIS (ex-Soviet Union), and Turkey
Head of CEEMEA Debt Capital Markets at J.P. Morgan
Експертка з вирішення комерційних спорів Програми USAID «Справедливість для всіх»
Head of Projects, associate research fellow at the British Institute for International and Comparative Law (BIICL) in London
Corporate Partner at Linklaters (Warsaw, Poland)
Executive Partner at AEQUO, Head of M&A and Corporate/Commercial
Corporate/M&A Partner in the Kyiv office of CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang
Judge of the Cassation Commercial Court within the Supreme Court
President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM
Director of Corporate Communications at JSC «Farmak»
President of the Association of Enterprises "Ukrmetalurgprom"
Acting Head of External Affairs at Philip Morris Ukraine
Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine
Director of Legal Affairs at the "Nova Poshta" Group of Companies
Partner at LCF Law Group
Head of Communications at the European Business Association
Coordinator of the Expert Groups of the Economic Expert Platform, and member of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Business Council
Deputy Director of the Legal Department at FOZZY GROUP
Director at Universal Insurance Brokers and Consultants LLC
Business Ombudsman
Заступниця Голови Фонду державного майна України
Бенефіціар комунікаційної агенції «Маркет.Інфо», голова комітету Громадської ради при Бучанській РДА, співавтор книги «Незламний Бізнес»
Директор комунікаційної агенції «Маркет.Інфо», співавтор книги «Незламний Бізнес»
Старший партнер MORIS
Президент Української зернової асоціації (УЗА)
Екс-заступник Міністра інфраструктури України з питань європейської інтеграції
Директор Департаменту великих корпоративних клієнтів АТ Райффайзен Банк
Партнер AVELLUM, голова практики нерухомості та інфраструктури
Заступник Міністра енергетики України
Менеджерка з регуляторної політики ДТЕК Нафтогаз
Керівниця юридичного відділу (гірничі проєкти) BGV Group
Директорка з правового забезпечення Групи Метінвест
Партнер-засновник, виконавчий директор MITS Capital
Виконавча директорка Технологічних сил України
Співзасновник Himera
Директор Департаменту з правовових питань УкрОборонПром, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент
Контр-адмірал (у відставці) ВМС США, співзасновник та генеральний директор IP3
Керуючий партнер INTEGRITES
Керівниця відділу фінансів та інвестицій Goldbeck Solar
Регіональний менеджер Notus Energy
Organizing committee
  1. Yuliya Atamanova, Advisor to a Member of the Management Board of JSC CB Privatbank, Head of Foreign Disputes
  2. Anna Babych, Executive Partner at AEQUO, Head of M&A and Corporate/Commercial
  3. Daniel Cousens, Corporate Partner at Linklaters (Warsaw, Poland)
  4. Oleksiy Didkovskiy, Co-Managing Partner at Asters
  5. Tetyana Dovgan, Corporate/M&A Partner in the Kyiv office of CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang
  6. Oleksiy Feliv, Managing Partner at INTEGRITES
  7. Maryan Martynyuk, Senior Partner at MORIS
  8. Volodymyr Sayenko, Partner at SAYENKO KHARENKO
  9. Denys Shkarovsky, Partner at VB PARTNERS
  10. Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM and the Head of Corporate/M&A
Partnership Proposal
Instructions for Participants
Expert Presentations

ICU analytics: Macroeconomic review. Macroeconomic risks remain manageable

Presentation of the report "Unlocking Investment in Ukraine"

Maria Tymofienko, Head of Projects, Ukraine International Law Response, British Institute for International and Comparative Law (BIICL)

The report on Unlocking Investment in Ukraine

BIICL's  report to help with the post-conflict economic recovery of Ukraine

Session 2. Common myths about doing business in Ukraine

Anna Babych, Executive Partner at AEQUO, Head of M&A and Corporate/Commercial

PRESENTATION: Investment Climate in Ukraine: Legal Updates

Olena Kibenko, Judge of the Cassation Commercial Court within the Supreme Court

PRESENTATION: Judicial system issues

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM 

PRESENTATION: Corruption issues

Session 2. Reforms during the war - what working conditions can businesses expect?

Oleg Hetman, Coordinator of the Expert Groups of the Economic Expert Platform, and member of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Business Council

PRESENTATION: National Revenue Strategy 2030 

Oleksandr Kryzhanivskyy, Director at Universal Insurance Brokers and Consultants LLC

PRESENTATION: Insurance coverage options for investors in Ukraine: political and military risks

Session 3.1. Challenges and opportunities in the agricultural sector

Mykola Gorbachov, President of the Ukraine Grain Association


Viktor Dovhan, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine 2016-2019, Advisor to Upper Silesian Fund FGSA

PRESENTATION: Recovery of Ukraine Infrastructure

Oleksii Rashchupkin, Managing Partner at Altius Capital

PRESENTATION: Ukrainian Investment Climate

Session 3.2. Challenges and opportunities in natural resource extraction

Yuliia Borzhemska, Regulatory Policy Manager at DTEK Naftogaz 

PRESENTATION: Current regulatory issues in the oil and gas industry

Svitlana Romanova, Chief Legal Officer at Metinvest Holding


Session 4.2. Challenges and opportunities in the energy sector

Yaroslav Kryl, CEO at Hydrogen of Ukraine LLC

PRESENTATION: Renewable power-to-hydrogen production

Photo Album


General Partner
Partner of the Session 2. Common myths about doing business in Ukraine
Partner of the Session 1. Ukraine's accession to the European Union: implications for business?
Partner of the Session 2. Reforms during the war - what working conditions can businesses expect?
Partner of the Session 3.1. Challenges and opportunities in the agricultural sector
Partner of the Session 3.2. Extraction of natural resources
Partner of the Session 4.2. Challenges and opportunities in the energy sector
Information-Analytical Partner

I Investment Forum

06.06.2024 – 07.06.2024
15:00 – 20:00
Hilton Kyiv Hotel, 30 T. Shevchenko Blvd., Kyiv / Online (Zoom)
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
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