I GR Forum

More information

10:00 – 17:40
Natsionalny Hotel, 5 Lipska Street, Kyiv
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Contact Person
Tetiana Osaulenko
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Registration Fee

The Ukrainian Bar Association invites you to join the 1st GR Forum, a key event for discussing transparent and ethical practices of interaction between the state, business, and civil society.

Date: February 21, 2025 (Friday).
Venue: Natsionalny Hotel (Eastern Hall, 3rd floor), 5 Lypska Street, Kyiv.
Format: Offline.

The working language is Ukrainian.

We are holding this Forum almost a year after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying", which, after lengthy discussions, became the first step toward transparency and openness in the process of public decision-making.

The Forum's program will focus on pressing issues influencing the development of GR (government relations) in Ukraine. Discussion topics will include the significance of the Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying" as a crucial stage of European integration and a foundation for a civilized approach to lobbying activities. We will explore how businesses adapt to new challenges in the dynamic process of European integration and assess the state's readiness for new formats of cooperation with lobbying entities.

Key aspects of state-business interaction in the legislative process will also be addressed, including decision-making inclusivity, the role of business associations, in-house GR professionals, and external consultants in policy formation. Particular attention will be paid to ethics, transparency, and the necessity of GR education in Ukraine.

We invite you to become part of this important event and join a professional discussion with leading experts in law, business, public administration, and civil society. Together, we can outline the prospects for the development of ethical and systematic GR in Ukraine, discuss the creation of modern approaches to state-business interaction, and establish a platform for experience exchange that will foster transparent and ethical collaboration among all stakeholders.


9:30-10:00 Participant registration. Welcome coffee

10:00-10:10 Opening remarks

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner AVELLUM

Alyona Shulima, PhD, Head of the UBA GR Committee, Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 1st GR Forum, Partner Pragma Consulting Group, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine

Yuriy Petrenko, Managing Partner ADER HABER, expert in business protection and lobbying services, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine

10:10-11:30 Session 1. Interaction between government and business through the prism of European integration


Alyona Shulima, PhD, Head of the UBA GR Committee, Partner Pragma Consulting Group

Key topics:

  • GR in the negotiation process as a challenge and opportunity for the state and business
  • Interaction between the state and business in the process of European integration as a form of inclusive decision-making 
  • Influence of lobbying actors' participation on the quality of state decision-making in the context of European integration 
  • Readiness of the state and business for the dynamic process of European integration and development of real transitional relations
  • The Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying”: how the requirement of European integration gradually brings us closer to a civilized perception of lobbying  


Oleh Bondarenko, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Chair of the VRU Committee on environmental policy and nature management

Vadym Halaichuk, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, First Deputy Chair of the VRU Committee on Ukraine’s EU Integration

Oleksandr Ilkov, Director General of the Government Office for coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic integration

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner AVELLUM

Inclusion within the session:

Clemens Mueller, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR), European Commission

11:30-11:50 Coffee Break

11:50-12:00 Presentation of research results on Business-Government interaction and GR services development in Law & Consulting Firms, conducted by Yurydychna Gazeta, the UBA GR Committee, and Pragma Consulting Group

Join the survey by February 14 via the provided link.

12:00-13:20 Session 2. GR in Ukraine: the sectoral aspect


Alyona Shulima, PhD, Head of the UBA GR Committee, Partner Pragma Consulting Group

Key topics:

  • Interaction between the state and business as a form of inclusive decision-making 
  • Business influence on the quality of public decision-making in sectoral reforms
  • The role of business coalitions in promoting sectoral reforms
  • Lobbying: new law, new opportunities for sectoral cooperation between business and the state
  • Business participation in Ukraine's recovery through the Business Ombudsman Council


Yuliya Malich, Public Policy Head Bolt

Artem Petrenko, Executive Director of the Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine 

Dmytro Polyansky, Senior Recovery Manager at the Business Ombudsman Council

Mykhailo Tretiakov, Managing Partner Azones

Viktor Zalizniuk, Head of GR Practice ADER HABER

13:20-14:15 Lunch

14:15-14:30 Interview with NACP Head Viktor Pavlushchyk on the preparation for the implementation of the law of Ukraine "On Lobbying"


Viktor Zalizniuk, Head of GR practice ADER HABER

14:30-15:50 Session 3. (Not) Willing to be a Lobbyist


Artur Martynenko, Deputy Chairman UBA GR Committee, Director of GR Department at BGV Group Management 

Key topics:

  • A lobbying specialist is a profession that should become commonplace for us 
  • Advocacy vs. Lobbying: in search of public interest
  • Business associations, In-house GR, and external consultants: synergy of influence
  • What is ethical intellectual GR, and does it exist?
  • Are Influence stakeholders Ready to gain lobbying status?


Anton Basystyi, EBA Committee Manager

Nataliya Boyko, Head and Co-Founder of the Government Relations Center, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine on Energy, Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board Naftogaz of Ukraine

Iryna Dyachuk, GR Director Fozzy Group

Olena Sukmanova, Partner Sayenko Kharenko

15:50-16:20 Coffee Break

16:20-17:40 Session 4. GR education & awareness


Olena Yaliieva, Advisor Pragma Consulting Group, Member of the UBA GR Committee Board

Key topics:

  • Perspectives and formats for GR education development in Ukraine
  • Building a community of GR specialists: experience of the Center for Government Relations
  • Ethics as the cornerstone of GR: a systematic approach to GR awareness
  • Raising public awareness of ethical intellectual GR as a path to its establishment in Ukraine


Anastasiia Iezerska, Head of the stakeholder engagement and anti-corruption policy adoption Department at NACP

Anna Zarudna, Co-founder of the Government Relations Center, Coordinator of the "Government relations specialist" MBA Program at KSE

Anna Tarantsova, Founder of GR Academy, GR specialist

Closing remarks

Save the date in your calendars, follow our updates, and join our partnerships!

We look forward to welcoming you to the I GR Forum on February 21, 2025!

We are grateful for the support in organizing this event:

General Partners:


Pragma Consulting Group

Session Partners:


Sayenko Kharenko

Registration is required to participate in the event.

Participation is confirmed upon payment of the registration fee.

Dear UBA members, please log in before starting the event registration.

The option to purchase a video recording is available. Please contact the event coordinator to implement this option.

The organizers reserve the right to close registration if the maximum number of participants is reached.

For additional information about the event, speaking opportunities, and partnership possibilities, please contact us at: Phone: +38 (063) 792-30-99 (calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or email: tosaulenko@uba.ua. Event coordinator – Tetiana Osaulenko.

For media accreditation, write to pr@uba.ua. Contact person – Dmytro Cheretun.

Partner Pragma Consulting Group, PhD
Head of the GR department of BGV Group Management
Партнерка Sayenko Kharenko
Генеральний директор Урядового офісу координації європейської та євроатлантичної інтеграції
Народний депутат України, Перший заступник голови Комітету ВРУ з питань інтеграції України з Європейським Союзом
Керівниця Відділу організації роботи із зацікавленими сторонами та забезпечення прийняття актів антикорупційної політики НАЗК
Народний депутат України, Голова комітету ВРУ з питань екологічної політики та природокористування
Керівниця та співзасновниця Центру взаємодії з владою (GR), радниця Прем'єр-міністра України з питань енергетики, заступниця голови наглядової ради НАК «Нафтогаз України»
Співзасновниця Центру взаємодії з владою, координаторка навчальної програми «Фахівець з питань взаємодії з владою» MBA KSE
Засновниця GR Academy, фахівчиня з питань GR
Старший менеджер з питань відновлення Ради бізнес-омбудсмена
Радниця Pragma Conculting Group
Менеджер комітетів Європейської Бізнес Асоціації
Керуючий партнер Azones
Deputy director of the FOZZY GROUP Legal Department
Керівник практики GR ADER HABER
Photo album
Organizing committee
  1. Anna Babych, Executive Partner AEQUO
  2. Viktor Zaliznyuk, Head of GR practice ADER HABER
  3. Yarema Kovaliv, Partner INTEGRITES
  4. Artur Martynenko, Head of GR practice BGV Group Management
  5. Olha Terefenko, Partner Gravity LLC
  6. Alyona Shulima, Head of the UBA GR Committee, Program Coordinator of the Forum, Partner Pragma Consulting Group
  7. Olena Yaliieva, Counsel Pragma Consulting Group
Instructions for partisipants

Working language:


Presentations of the speakers:

All expert presentations will be sent to the participants by e-mail and posted on the event page of the UBA website in the Additional section. 

Coffee breaks and evening buffet:

The catering area is the pre-function area. You will be offered drinks and light snacks.

Voting during the Forum:


In order to participate in the voting, please follow these steps:

From your phone, laptop, or tablet, go to the link www.menti.com or install the Mentimeter app on your device beforehand (links for Android and App Store are available).

In the field that appears, enter the code displayed on the projector screen in the conference hall.

Click the Submit button.

Next, you will get the opportunity to vote.

Security measures at the National Hotel.

For free entry to the Forum hall, we ask you to wear a participant badge.

The hotel security staff will be located in the lobby area (1st floor) and will provide the necessary instructions on how to navigate to the equipped shelter.

The shelter area is located on the -1st floor of the hotel (technical area).

Hotel staff and event coordinators will accompany guests to the shelter.

The event participants are personally responsible for compliance with the requirements of responding to the warning system signal, preserving their own health and life.

Financial Documents:

You can obtain all financial documents by contacting the event coordinator:

Phone: +38 (063) 792 30 99 (calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber). Email: tosaulenko@uba.ua.

Contact person: Tetiana Osaulenko.

If you need to make a note in your travel authorization, please approach the Forum's registration desk.

Partnership proposal
Презентації експертів

Сесія 2: GR в Україні: секторальний аспект

Артем Петренко, виконавчий директор Асоціації газовидобувних компаній України 

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Співпраця бізнесу і держави: досвід українського газовидобутку

Дмитро Полянський, старший менеджер з питань відновлення Ради бізнес-омбудсмена

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Участь бізнесуу процесах відновлення України. Роль Ради бізнес-омбудсмена

Сесія 3: (не)Хочу бути лобістом!

Наталія Бойко, керівниця та співзасновниця Центру взаємодії з владою (GR), радниця Прем'єр-міністра України з питань енергетики, заступниця голови наглядової ради НАК «Нафтогаз України»

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Глобальні та локальні тренди лобіювання

Сесія 4: GR освіта та просвіта 

Анна Зарудна, співзасновниця Центру взаємодії з владою, координаторка навчальної програми «Фахівець з питань взаємодії з владою» MBA KSE

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Основні аргументи на користь створення навчальних програм і формальної освіти для лобістів та GR-фахівців. Навчальна програма «Фахівець з GR»

Анна Таранцова, засновниця GR Academy, фахівчиня з питань GR

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ: Освітня платформа для GR спеціалістів


General Partners
Session Partners
Information-Analytical Partner
Informational Partner

I GR Forum

10:00 – 17:40
Natsionalny Hotel, 5 Lipska Street, Kyiv
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
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