XI Criminal and Procedure Law Conference

More information

09:50 – 19:00
Hyatt Regency, 5 Alla Tarasova St., Kyiv / online (Zoom)
Contact Phone
+38 (098) 764-21 53
Contact Person
Tetiana Fodor
+38 (098) 764-21 53
Registration Fee

Ukrainian Bar Association invites you to the XI Criminal and Procedure Law Conference.

Date: November 15, 2024.

Venue: Hyatt Regency, 5 Alla Tarasova St., Kyiv / online (Zoom)

This event will be a unique opportunity for legal practitioners, academics, prosecutors, judges, and government officials to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the field of criminal law and procedure. The conference offers an excellent platform to share experiences, establish new professional contacts and deepen knowledge in this field.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the most relevant trends, engage in productive discussions, and find new ways to develop their professional skills and improve their practice.

Register now so you don't miss this unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge and join the exchange of ideas with prominent experts. Join us and expand your capabilities in the field of criminal law and procedure.


09:00-09:50 Registration of participants. Welcome coffee.

09:50-10:00 Opening of the event

Mykola Stetsenko, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner of AVELLUM

10:00 - 11:30 Session 1: Trends


Maksym Sheverdin, Partner, Head of Criminal Law Practice at LCF Law Group, Chairman of the Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure.

In Focus:

  • The new Criminal Code. Overview of key changes and their impact on law enforcement practice.
  • Ratification of the Rome Statute
  • Activation of anti-corruption bodies (NABU/HACC): Trends, statistics and their impact on the business environment.
  • The URPTI Dashboard is an analytical module that digitizes data from prosecutors and courts on criminal offenses related to business in Ukraine.
  • Agreements in cases of corruption-related criminal offenses.
  • Criminalization of sanctions violations


Mykola Yurlov, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Representation of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

Oleksiy Bonyuk, Head of the Department of Criminal Policy and Investment Protection of the Prosecutor General's Office

Yuriy Belousov, Head of the Department for Combating Crimes Committed in the Context of Armed Conflict

Yuriy Ponomarenko, Head of the Department of Criminal Law at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor

Denys Shkarovskyi, partner at VB Partners

Tetiana Popovska, attorney at law at Asters

Andriy Klymosiuk, PhD in Law, Project Manager at the Institute of Legislative Ideas, co-author of the draft law on criminalization of sanctions violation and circumvention

11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break

12:00 - 13:20 Session 2: Evidence


Yevgeniy Riyako, Attorney at Law, Managing Partner of RIYAKO & PARTNERS, Deputy Chairman of the UBA Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

In Focus:

  • Court practice on NSDI
  • Analytical reports - evidence in the case or not
  • Expert examinations that can be conducted in WCC cases (10 examinations of the defense counsel against 3 prosecutors, on the example of the defense under 191 of the Criminal Code)
  • The Supreme Court's practice of evaluating evidence in criminal proceedings


Svitlana Yakovleva, Judge of the Criminal Court of Cassation within the Supreme Court

Yana Talyzina, Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of Kyiv region

Mykhailo Mozhayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Acting Director of the Research Center of Forensic Expertise in the field of information technology and intellectual property of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

Yevhen Panchenko, Head of the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine

Yevhen Hrushovets, Partner at Ario Law Firm, Head of the Public Anti-Corruption Council at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Semen Khanin, PhD in Economics, Attorney at Law, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Managing Partner of Amber Law Company

13:50 - 14:20 Chambers White-Collar Crime 2024 in Ukraine. Interactive discussion: key trends in the practice.

For the first time in the history of Ukraine, Chambers, the most authoritative research company in the global market, has prepared a review of White-Collar Crime practice. The results of the research will be discussed at the panel.


Denis Bugay, Founding Partner of VB Partners, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association (2013-2017, 2019-2021), Chairman of the Section of Attorneys, Lawyers of Law Firms and Self-Employed Lawyers of the UBA

14:20 - 15:40 Session 3. Precautions and deadlines.


Sergii Boiko, Counsel at VB PARTNERS, Member of the Board of the UBA Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

In focus:

  • Reasonable amount of bail and overview of the situation with the application of bail in criminal cases.
  • Terms of pre-trial investigation, terms in factual proceedings and closure of criminal proceedings within a reasonable time with the help of an investigating judge.
  • Suspension of the investigation in accordance with Art. 615/280 of the CPC. Problematic issues.
  • Evidence at the stage of Article 290 of the CPC. Problematic issues: collection of evidence at this stage by the investigation, returning to the “investigation”.
  • The terms of pre-trial investigation in unified criminal proceedings, information about which was entered into the URPTI both before 03/16/2018 and after that date.


Sergiy Fomin, Judge of the Criminal Court of Cassation within the Supreme Court

Oleg Tkachenko, Judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court

Stanislav Bronevytskyi, Prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (Invited)

Stanislav Borys, Managing Partner of Vidar Law Firm, Deputy Head of the UBA Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

Marina Mkrticheva, attorney at law, head of business protection practice at LA Law Firm.

15:40 - 16:10 Coffee break

16:10 - 17:30 Session 4. Criminal proceedings with an international element


Andriy Fortunenko, Partner, Head of Business Protection Practice at Avellum, Member of the Board of the UBA Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

In Focus:

  • In absentia arrest, new trends and court practice.
  • Investigation in absentia.
  • Extradition during martial law.
  • Trends in international search and the functioning of Interpol.
  • Collection of evidence through international legal assistance mechanisms.


Viktor Nogachevskyi, Judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court

Taras Shcherbay, Prosecutor of the Fourth Department of Procedural Guidance, Support of Public Prosecution and Representation in Court of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office

Anastasiya Didenko, Counsel, Head of Anti-Corruption and Compliance practice at LCF Law Group

Ben Cate, Counsel, Attorney at Law in the field of international law, extradition, immigration and human rights at IHR Advisors (online)

We are grateful for the financial support in organizing the event:

Conference partners: 





LCF Law Group

Session partners:

Ario Law Firm

Amber Law Company



LA Law Firm


Sponsor of the cocktail reception: 


Registration is required to participate in the event.

Participation is considered confirmed after payment of the registration fee.

For more information about the event, participation as a speaker and partnership opportunities, please contact us by phone: +38 (098) 764-21-53 (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or e-mail: forum@uba.ua. Contact person — Tetiana Fodor.

For media accreditation, please contact pr@uba.ua. Contact person — Dmytro Cheretun.

Презентації експертів

Сесія 1. Тренди

Денис Шкаровський, партнер VB Partners


Тетяна Поповська, адвокатка Asters


Андрій Климосюк, кандидат юридичних наук, керівник проєктів Інституту законодавчих ідей, співавтор  законопроєкту про криміналізацію порушення та обходу санкцій


Сесія 2. Докази

Яна Тализіна, заступниця начальника відділу Київської міської прокуратури


Євген Панченко, Начальник управління Департаменту кіберполіції Національної поліції України


Євген Грушовець, партнер Ario Law Firm, Голова Громадської антикорупційної ради при Міністерстві оборони України.


Семен Ханін, кандидат економічних наук, адвокат, Заслужений юрист України, керуючий партнер Amber Law Company


Сесія 3. Запобіжні заходи та строки

Станіслав Борис, керуючий партнер АО «Відар», заступник Голови Комітету АПУ з кримінального та кримінально-процесуального права


Олександр Ружицький, партнер EVERLEGAL


Марина Мкртичева, адвокатка, керівниця практики захисту бізнесу в LA Law Firm


Сесія 4. Кримінальні провадження з міжнародним елементом

Артем Крикун-Труш, партнер, керівник практики White-Collar Crime, комплаєнсу та розслідувань Юридичної компанії Міллер, адвокат


Partner offer
Organizing Committee
  1. Stanislav Borys, Managing Partner of Vidar Law Firm, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
  2. Sergii Boiko, Counsel at VB PARTNERS
  3. Sergiy Grebenyuk, partner at Asters
  4. Tetiana Lysovets, Senior Partner at Sokolovskyi and Partners
  5. Dmytro Ostapenko, Head of Criminal Law Practice at Krolevetsky and Partners
  6. Yevgeniy Riyako, CEO of RIYAKO & PARTNERS, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
  7. Maksym Sheverdin, Partner, Head of Criminal Law Practice at LCF Law Group, Chairman of the Committee on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
  8. Andriy Fortunenko, Partner at AVELLUM


Партнери сесії
Спонсор коктейль-прийому
Інформаційні партнери

XI Criminal and Procedure Law Conference

09:50 – 19:00
Hyatt Regency, 5 Alla Tarasova St., Kyiv / online (Zoom)
Contact Phone
+38 (098) 764-21 53
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