More information

17.03.2022 – 18.03.2022
19:00 – 18:00
The Ukrainian Bar Association invites you to the XVII FORUM «DEVELOPMENT OF THE LEGAL SERVICES MARKET», which will be held on March 18, 2022 at the Hilton Kyiv Hotel. This event is rightly considered to be a leading platform for professional dialogue, where unique solutions for legal business are developed in a trusting environment and new non-standard ideas are put forward.
The forum brings together top managers and business leaders of leading law firms, heads of legal departments of major organizations, government officials, leading experts in the field of law and marketing.
On the eve of the main day of the forum - March 17, all participants of the event are invited to an evening reception, where the finalists of the UBA Best Young Lawyer Award will be awarded.
Why you should be here:
  • The event is organized by partners for partners
  • We discuss relevant and useful information that worries top managers of the legal business
  • Maximum concentration of legal market leaders per 1 m2
  • Live communication with like-minded people, competitors, opponents
  • Professional and constructive dialogues with colleagues
  • This is where you can learn from the effective experience of others and apply it in your practice
What will we talk about:
  • Do you want to be aware of the trends in the legal market in 2022?
  • Have you heard about the most promising ideology of the 21st century? Do you want to be useful not only for yourself but also for others? Be one of the most progressive market participants? Be able to achieve a balance between meeting the existing needs of your business and protecting the interests of future generations, the good of society and the environment as a whole? What are the areas of sustainable development strategy already implemented by your colleagues in the shop?
  • Guess what prospects Stakeholder Economy has in the legal services market?
  • Do you think wellbeing for the UK is a fad or a corporate necessity?
  • What are the advantages of Diversity & Inclusion corporate policy?
  • Do you know how effectively law firms restructured after the impact of COVID-19, which led to restrictive measures involving social distancing and remote work? What "findings" in the formats of work were identified and recorded for further implementation?
  • Interested in the latest digital solutions and process automation?
  • Do you understand how to ensure independence, objectivity and impartiality in the ratings of law firms and lawyers?
Take the opportunity to get meaningful answers to these and other questions on our Forum.
A detailed program of the event will appear soon.
Pay your attantion! Pre-registration is required to participate in the event.
Registration is considered to be finally confirmed from the moment of payment for participation in the event.
Please note that persons who have one of the following documents will be eligible:
  • "Yellow" COVID-certificate or paper certificate 063-O (valid for 30 days);
  • "Green" COVID-certificate (valid for 365 days);
  • International Vaccination Certificate (valid for 365 days);
  • foreign COVID certificate on vaccination with vaccines approved by the WHO (valid for 365 days);
  • negative PCR result or rapid test for antigen (valid for 72 hours).
  • certificate of recovery from COVID-19 (valid for 105 days from the date of diagnosis).
The organizers reserve the right to terminate the registration in case of recruitment of the maximum possible number of participants.

As it was last year:

Venue: Hilton Kyiv Hotel, 30 Taras Shevchenko Boulevard, Kyiv.

For registration, participation as a speaker and partnership opportunities, and for more information on the event, please contact the event coordinator at +38 (063) 792-30-99 or write to: conference@uba.ua
Contact person - Tatiana Osaulenko
партнерська пропозиція
Інструкції учасникам


Робочі мови:

Українська та російська

Презентації доповідачів:

Всі презентації експертів будуть розіслані учасникам Форуму на їх електронні адреси. 

Голосування під час форуму:

Для того, щоб прийняти участь у голосуванні Вам необхідно:

  • з телефону, ноутбуку або планшету перейти за посиланням www.menti.com або встановити програму Mentimeter на свій гаджет завчасно (посилання на програму для Android та App Store).
  • у полі, що з'явиться, ввести код, який Ви побачите на екрані проектора у конференц-залі;
  • натиснути кнопку Submit.

Далі, Ви отримаєте можливість проголосувати.

Кава-брейки, обід, вечірній фуршет:

Зона харчування – Grand foyer. Під час перерв Вам будуть запропоновані напої та закуски.

Заходи безпеки:

Для вільного входу до залу проведення форуму просимо Вас носити бедж учасника.

Під час перерв не рекомендуємо залишати документи чи цінні речі в залах проведення Форуму.

Фінансові документи:

Всі фінансові документи Ви зможете отримати, звернувшись до Секретаріату АПУ

за тел.: +38 (044) 492 88 48,  +38 (063) 792 30 99  

за електронною поштою: conference@uba.ua.

Контактна особа — Тетяна Осауленко.

Якщо Вам необхідно зробити відмітку в посвідченні про відрядження, зверніться, будь ласка, до стійки реєстрації.


Session Partner
Informational Partners
General Partner
Поліграфічний партнер
Партнер вечірнього прийому
Technical partner


17.03.2022 – 18.03.2022
19:00 – 18:00
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