ACT Academy - Addressing Corruption Together

Lawyers worldwide play a crucial role in shaping public attitudes toward combating corruption, supporting democracy, and upholding human rights. However, corruption remains one of the most significant obstacles to transparent justice, the rule of law, and public trust in legal institutions. To address this challenge, the ACT Academy project is designed to raise awareness, enhance professional competence, and build the capacity of legal professionals from Ukraine and Moldova to combat corruption through innovative approaches.

Project Goals and Objectives

The primary goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of 30 legal professionals from Ukraine and Moldova to prevent and combat corruption by employing a human rights-based approach. Participants, working under the mentorship of international experts, will develop practical tools, such as recommendations, training programs, and other resources, to promote transparency, integrity, and professional ethics.

Implementation Format

The training will be conducted within the framework of the ACT Academy, featuring a series of online and offline activities. The program will be implemented in collaboration with leading experts from Sweden and the EU, who will assist in adapting international best practices to the local context. Particular emphasis will be placed on engaging participants from the regions of Ukraine and Moldova and utilizing a "learning-by-doing" methodology to achieve tangible results in their professional activities.

Project Duration: October 2024 – August 2026.

Expected Outcomes

By the end of the project, the following results are anticipated:

  1. Training 30 participants in modern anti-corruption approaches and methods.
  2. Developing and piloting a training course on anti-corruption for legal professionals.
  3. Strengthening the capacity of legal communities to promote transparency, accountability, and integrity.
  4. Disseminating developed recommendations among a broad range of stakeholders, including government representatives and civil society actors.

Target Audience and Beneficiaries

Direct participants: Lawyers, prosecutors, judges, and other legal professionals from Ukraine and Moldova.
Indirect beneficiaries: Government institutions, civil society organizations, universities, and the general public.

Partnership and Support

The project is implemented by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) in partnership with the Ukrainian Bar Association (UBA), the UBA Institute of Human Rights, and the Moldovan organization Action for Justice (A4J). Together, the partners will coordinate activities, engage participants and experts, and facilitate the dissemination of project outcomes to a wider audience.

Long-Term Perspective

The ACT Academy aims to leave a lasting impact on the legal communities of Ukraine and Moldova by laying the groundwork for systemic changes that will strengthen the rule of law, reduce corruption, and enhance public trust in legal institutions.

Project Team
Project Management Advisor
International Operations Advisor
Government Relations Manager
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