Challenges of Engaging, Interviewing and Supporting Child victims / survivors / witnesses of War and Terror

More information

20:00 – 21:30
Online (Zoom)

Join us, virtually, on the 3rd of April 2024, at 7:00 PM CET (8:00 PM EET), for a zoom webinar on reparative justice entitled: “Reparative Justice IV: Challenges of Engaging, Interviewing and Supporting Child victims / survivors / witnesses of War and Terror”.

This International Center for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma (ICMGLT) webinar series is held in collaboration with Project Sunflowers.

It is a fourth in a series, following I: A conceptual introduction to reparative justice, II. Key groups of traumatized victims and III. Difficulties in Listening to and Hearing Traumatized Witnesses/Victims/Survivors, all answering the call for specialized training in reparative justice for professionals and others working with them.

This webinar begins the in-depth focus on engaging specifically with child victim/survivors/witnesses of the array of war’s and terror’s massive trauma to help heal and protect both child victim/survivors (family community members) and the professionals themselves from potential re/traumatization of sharing traumatic experiences. Participants are urged to view the three earlier webinars of this series prior to attending this one.

Link to the recording of the webinar Reparative Justice I:

Link to the recording of the webinar Reparative Justice II:

Link to the recording of the webinar Reparative Justice III:

Ukrainian-English interpretation will be provided.

Presentation will be given by Mykola Kuleba (statesman, children’s rights advocate and humanitarian; co-founder of Ukraine Without Orphans Alliance and co-founder/head of Save Ukraine – a multidisciplinary organization that repatriated 273 forcibly transferred Ukrainian children from Russia and the temporarily occupied territories), Orma Dotan (economist and business manager, who for the past twenty years focused on managing health systems, autism, and old age; on October 10 she established the Resilience Unit at the Families Forum of the Abducted and Missing and manages Sderot’s Ezra Lemarphe rehabilitation center that combines physical and mental rehabilitation), dr Oksana Senatorova (Ukrainian lawyer specializing in humanitarian law, international criminal law, human rights law and transitional justice; Legal and Policy Advisor to Geneva Call, Ukraine; expert of Council of Europe, EU, ICRC and advisor to several Ukrainian state bodies; one of the initiators of Project Sunflowers), dr Michelle Slone (full professor at the Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, Reichman University, Israel; her research interests include trauma and post-traumatic reactions, resilience and its promotion in therapy, individual and group therapy for trauma exposure and cross-cultural issues related to trauma and treatment).

The webinar will be moderated by dr Yael Danieli (clinical psychologist, traumatologist, victimologist and psychohistorian, Dr. Danieli is Founder and Executive Director of the International Center for the study, prevention and treatment of MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma; Director, Group Project for Holocaust Survivors and their Children and Past-President, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies).

Link to register:

Challenges of Engaging, Interviewing and Supporting Child victims / survivors / witnesses of War and Terror

20:00 – 21:30
Online (Zoom)
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