More information

12:30 – 20:00
Lviv, 6 Mateika Street

The Ukrainian Bar Association Branch in Lviv Region has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the IV Western Forum on Corporate Law to be held on September 27, 2019.

We will talk about the current state of affairs of the industry and prospects for the future; we will analyse the adopted laws and review the experience of their application. Traditionally, participants will have the opportunity to communicate with judges, legislators and regulators.

Among the participants and speakers of the forum there will be leading lawyers, scholars, representatives of the legislative, executive and judiciary, bankers, insurers, businessmen.


12:30 — 13:00

Registration of participants

13:00 — 13:10

Roksolana Kostur, UBA Board member, partner at Matviyiv & Partners, attorney


Ivan Horodyskyy, Head of Branch in Lviv region, Director of the School of Law of the Ukrainian Catholic University

Official opening, welcoming remarks

Session 1. Joint Stock Companies

Moderator: TBC

13:10 — 13:30

Andriy Tymchyshyn, Deputy Director of Corporate Clients Department at "CREDOBANK" PJSC

What is escrow accounts and how does it work?

13:30 — 13:50

Representative of the National Depositary Fund of Ukraine

Problematic issues of accounting the title to shares

13:50 — 14:10

Maksym Libanov, Member of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (invited)

Topic TBC

14:10 — 14:30

Speaker TBC

Squeeze - out — international and Ukrainian experience

14:30 — 14:40

Q&A Session


14:40 — 15:10

Coffee break

Session 2. Law on LLCs and ALCs: one year afterwards

Moderator: TBC

15:10 — 15:30

Andriy Grynchuk, Managing Partner at Grynchuk & Partners

Topic TBC

15:30 — 15:50

Vladislav Vlasyuk, Director of the State Registration and Notary Department (invited)

Registration actions: transitional and new provisions, online registration

15:50 — 16:10

Volodymyr Marchenko, UBA Board Member, President of the Notarial Chamber of Ukraine

Express analysis from a notary

16:10 — 16:30

Speaker TBC

Topic TBC

16:30 — 16:40

Q&A Session

16:40 — 17:10

Coffee break  

17:10 — 17:30

Special Report

"The cost of a share when withdrawing from a company"

Speaker TBC

Session 3. Controversial instruments of corporate law

Moderator: TBC

17:30 — 17:50

Andriy Olenyuk, Partner at Everlegal

Implementation of foreign norms in corporate agreements

17:50 — 18:10

Volodymyr Kravchuk, UBA Board member, Judge of the Administrative Court of Cassation within the Supreme Court (invited)

Topic TBC

18:10 — 18:30

Olena Kibenko, Judge of the High Chamber of the Supreme Court

Digitalization of corporate relations

18:30 — 18:50

Nataliya Yakibchuk, Partner at KPLT

Topic TBC

18:50  — 19:00

Q&A Session

19:00 — 19:20


Types of voting for corporate governance

Bogdan Bruk, Managing Partner at Corporatyvna Advokatura

19:20 — 19:30

Q&A Session

19:30 — 20:30

Networking with a glass of wine


Venue: 6 Mateika Street, Premier Hotel Dnister.

Registration is obligatory to participate

Registration will be confirmed upon registration fee payment.

For more information about the event and partnership opportunities, please contact the UBA Secretariat at: +38 063 438 77 66, e-mail: zakhid@uba.ua. Contact person – Olha Lototska.




Informational Partners
Session Partners
Reception Partner


12:30 – 20:00
Lviv, 6 Mateika Street
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