GAN’s Ukraine Task Force recommends to the UN Secretary General to conclude a bilateral agreement on the establishment of a Special Tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine

The Ukraine Task Force of The Global Accountability Network has published a white paper that will contain a draft UNGA resolution recommending to the United Nations Secretary-General that he enter into a bi-lateral agreement to create a Special Tribunal for Ukraine on the Crime of Aggression along with a creative statute for the tribunal. This will be a cornerstone document in discussions at the UN.

The Global Accountability Network (GAN) team led by Irwin Cotler, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Ambassador Hans Corell, former UN Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, and David Crane, founder of GAN, founder and Chief Prosecutor of the United Nations Special Court on Sierra Leone, worked on the project.

You can find the document by the link.
The UKTF closely cooperates with the Ukrainian Bar Association, which provides expert and volunteer assistance for UKTF GUN investigative activities.

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