ХVIІ Forum "Development of the Legal Services Market"

More information

10:00 – 19:00
Radisson Blu Hotel, str. Yaroslaviv Val, 22, Kyiv / online
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Contact Person
Tetiana Osaulenko
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
Registration Fee

The war broke into the lives of Ukrainian law firms, instantly changing plans, goals, priorities, and doing business in general. Some companies were forced to stop their activities, unable to withstand an unpredictable and sharp crisis situation, but there were also those who, having adjusted their activities, were able not only to ensure the efficient operation of their own business but also to launch volunteer initiatives.

If you are interested in how the Ukrainian legal business adapted to new realities, what problems and challenges the legal market faced in the conditions of a full-scale war, and how to solve it with a view to the perspective of post-war reconstruction and recovery, we invite you to the XVII Forum "Development of the Legal Services Market".

Date and time: May 18, 2023, 10:00-19:00.

Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel, str. Yaroslaviv Val, 22, Kyiv / online.

This event is rightfully considered a leading platform for professional dialogue, where unique solutions for conducting legal business (now in wartime conditions) are worked out in a trusting environment and new non-standard ideas are put forward.

The Forum brings together top managers and business leaders of leading legal companies, heads of legal departments of the largest organizations, public figures, and leading specialists in the field of jurisprudence and marketing.

Why you should be here:

  • The event is organized by partners for partners.
  • We discuss relevant and useful information that concerns the top managers of the legal business.
  • Maximum concentration of legal market leaders per 1 m2.
  • Live communication with like-minded people, competitors, and opponents.
  • Professional and constructive dialogues with colleagues.
  • It is here that you can adopt the effective experience of others and apply it in your practice.


10:00-10:30 Registration. Morning Coffee

10:30-10:40 Opening remarks

Anna Ogrenchuk, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Co-founder and Managing Partner at LCF Law Group

10:40-11:40 Session 1. Problems and challenges for the legal market in conditions of full-scale war

Moderator: Anna Ogrenchuk, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Co-founder and Managing Partner at LCF Law Group


  • How does the legal business "survive" the war, what problems did the legal profession face?
  • Practical cases of managing partners of law firms on their adaptation to the conditions of martial law
  • Social responsibility after the first year of the war - what next?
  • Regional relocation
  • After the first year of the war - universality vs. specialization?
  • Quality of provided services  
  • Impact of the war in Ukraine on the global legal market


Sergii Boyarchukov, Managing Partner at Alekseev, Boyarchukov and Partners Law Firm

Lina Nemchenko, Partner at Baker McKenzie (online)

Tatyana Titarenko, Managing Partner at LEGRANT 

Laimonas Skibarka, Managing Partner at Sorainen (online)

11:40 - 12:15 Coffee break

12:15 - 13:15 Session 2. Military law and military justice - realities and prospects

Moderator: Andriy Romanchuk, Vice-President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at MORIS 


  • The worldview of a military and civilian person. Different approaches and decision-making conditions
  • Is there a prospect of creating a full-fledged military justice system in Ukraine (expediency, waste of money or extreme need?)
  • The most common war crimes since the full-scale invasion and their convictions
  • Military advocacy and the military's right to protection
  • War and war crimes. Who should pass judgments? Problems of Ukrainian courts in considering cases since the full-scale invasion


Eugene R. Sullivan, former senior judge of the US Court of Military Appeals (video interview)

Hanna Maliar, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine

Serhii Naev, lieutenant general, commander of the United Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine

Volodymyr Hutsol, Head of the Military Law and Order Service, brigadier general

Yevhen Hrushovets, Partner at Ario Law Firm, Head of the Public anti-corruption council under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

13:15-13:25 Technical break 

13:25-14:25 Session 3. Reconstruction of Ukraine and European Integration

Moderator: Anna Babych, Member of the Board of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Executive Partner at AEQUO


  • Post-war reconstruction of Ukraine
  • European integration: what has been done and what should be expected?


Anna Artemenko, Head of the Office for support of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the EU acquis 

Maryna Denysiuk, Senior Project Manager of the Office of Reforms of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Team Lead, Coordination of Ukraine Recovery Plan development

Sebastian Lawson, Partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Illya Tkachuk, Senior Partner at INTEGRITES, Head of Corporate and M&A

14:25-15:00 Coffee break

15:00-16:00 Session 4. Ethics in the legal market after the war


Mykola Stetsenko, Member of the Board of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM


  • Code of Ethics: Key Novels
  • Transparency of key parameters of law firms


Oleksiy Didkovskiy, Co-Managing Partner at Asters (online)

Olga Vorozhbyt, Partner at Kinstellar 

Nazar Chernyavsky, Partner at Sayenko Kharenko (online)

16:00-16:10 Technical break

16:10-17:10 Session 5. In focus - human resource


Iryna Nikitina, strategic advisor of legal partnerships, ideologist and researcher of LegalTalents.Report


  • Presentation of the results of the poll of lawyers with work experience/internships abroad as part of the annual research LegalTalents.Report
  • Three main challenges for the business in the field of personnel: loss of qualified personnel, change in the structure of demand for services, quality of legal education
  • Personnel shortage is an eternal problem in a new context and practical solutions in today's conditions
  • Relocation within Ukraine: refutation of myths


Oksana Daskaliuk, Senior Associate (Corporate and M&A), Allen&Overy Secondee 2022

Yuriy Nechayev, Partner at AVELLUM 

Yevhen Pronin, Managing Partner at Pronin & Partners Law Firm

Euvgen Riyako, Managing Partner at RIYAKO&PARTNERS Law Company

17:10-19:00 Evening cocktail. Networking (resraurant Mille Miglia)

Thanks to our Partners:

LCF Law Group


Note! Pre-registration is required.

The number of participants is limited. Participation is considered confirmed after payment of the charitable registration fee.

The organizers reserve the right to stop registration in the event of gathering the maximum possible number of participants.

How it was last time:

For additional information about the event, participation as a speaker, and partnership opportunities, contact the organizers by phone: +38 (044) 492-88-48, +38 (063) 792-30-99 (calls via WhatsApp, Viber) or e-mail: conference@uba.ua. Contact person - Tetiana Osaulenko.

Managing Partner, LCF Law Group
Managing Partner, MORIS
Executive Partner, Aequo Law Firm
Managing Partner, AVELLUM Law Firm
Partner, Sayenko Kharenko
Managing Partner at Alekseev, Boyarchukov and Partners Law Firm
Instructions for Participants

Working languages:

Ukrainian and English.

Speakers' presentations:

All expert presentations will be sent to participants at their e-mail addresses.

Coffee breaks and an evening cocktail:

Food zone during coffee breaks – Pre-function zone. You will be offered drinks and light snacks.

Evening cocktail area - Mille Miglia restaurant.

Security measures for offline participants:

For free entry to the conference hall, please take a participant's badge.

During breaks, we do not recommend leaving documents or valuables in the conference hall.

In case of an air raid alert, all event participants, without exception, must respond to the warning system signals and instructions from the event coordinators and hotel staff on the necessary actions.

All participants, without exception, must leave the conference hall and go to the temporary underground shelter on the -2nd floor of the hotel (underground parking). The event will continue in the parking area, a special zone will be equipped for this purpose.

During an air raid alert, hotel staff will be in the lobby and escort guests to the shelter. In addition, the participants can orientate themselves on the traffic direction signs posted on the way to the shelter.

Financial documents:

You can get all financial documents by contacting the event coordinator

by phone: +38 (044) 492 88 48, +38 (063) 792 30 99

by e-mail: conference@uba.ua.

The contact person is Tetiana Osaulenko.

If you need to make a note on the travel certificate, please contact the reception desk.

Партнерська пропозиція
Organizing Committee

Anna BabychMember of the Board of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Executive Partner at AEQUO

Sergii Boyarchukov, Managing Partner at Alekseev, Boyarchukov and Partners Law Firm

Anna Ogrenchuk, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Co-founder and Managing Partner at LCF Law Group

Euvgen Riyako, Managing Partner at RIYAKO&PARTNERS Law Company

Andriy RomanchukVice-President of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at MORIS Law Firm

Mykola Stetsenko, Member of the Board of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AVELLUM

Aminat Suleymanova, Member of the Board of the Ukrainian Bar Association, Managing Partner at AGA Partners

Список учасників Форуму
Презентації експертів

Сесія 3. Відбудова України та євроінтеграція

Модераторка: Анна Бабич, членкиня Правління Асоціації правників України, виконавча партнерка AEQUO


Анна Артеменко, керівниця Офісу підтримки адаптації законодавства України до положень права ЄС


Сесія 5. У фокусі - людський ресурс

Модераторка: Ірина Нікітіна, стратегічна радниця юридичних партнерств, ідеологиня і дослідниця LegalTalents.Report


Become an International Participant and receive a discount on participation in the event



ХVIІ Forum "Development of the Legal Services Market"

10:00 – 19:00
Radisson Blu Hotel, str. Yaroslaviv Val, 22, Kyiv / online
Contact Phone
+38 (063) 792 30 99 (дзвінки через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
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