IBA ЄКА Форум 2016

Інформація про подію

15.06.2016 – 19.06.2016
00:00 – 00:00
Де відбудеться

2016 is a very exciting year for the IBA: a new regional convention has been joined to the IBA - the IBA Europe-Caucasus-Asia Forum (the IBA ECA Forum 2016), that is to be held from 15-19 June in Kiev and Lviv.

Many IBA members will be very familiar with its predecessor, the CIS Local Counsel Forum, from which the IBA ECA Forum has evolved. The incredible growth and a gradual extension of professional interest encouraged the organisers of this major event to involve the wider legal community through the International Bar Association. This integration will provide IBA members with an opportunity to explore emerging legal markets and the opportunities they provide, as well as extending the reach of the event to a wider international audience.

Conference format

From this background, the IBA ECA Forum can demonstrate a ten year track record of successfully providing the key gathering of the leading professionals, officials and other participants interested in development of legal practice in the CIS region. The formal part of the Forum will focus on the hottest topics of professional interest such as new legal practices evolving in the world, women in legal profession, best marketing and hiring practices and other burning issues. As well as a high-level professional discussion, the IBA ECA Forum has always offered a fantastic informal cultural programme with a number of networking and locally flavoured entertainment events. Those who visit will have the opportunity to see two of the most beautiful Ukrainian cities and experience both traditional Ukrainian culture and contemporary entertainment. You will have a taste of the best that Ukraine has to offer.


Wednesday, 15 June 2016 (FAIRMONT GRAND HOTEL KYIV, 1, Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska Str., Kyiv)


All day

2:00 –

6:30 PM


4:00 –

5.30 PM


5:45 –

6.30 PM


11:00 PM

Delegate Registration at the Event Venue




Complimentary workshop

Disclosure of ultimate beneficial owners of legal entities: trends and experience
Eugene Cherniak Senior analyst, Transparency International
Oleksandr Lemenov Anticorruption Group Manager, Reanimation Package of Reforms
Anastasia Krasnosylska Advocacy Officer, Anticorruption Action Center


Complimentary workshop

Become a trusted adviser: learn how to turn your relationships into results for your firm
Itzik Amiel International Professional Speaker, Global Leading Authority on Networking & Relations Capital 

Gala Dinner

Restaurant Coin
15A, Bolsunovska Street, IQ Business Center
With special music band Bloom Twins.
Dress code: black tie

Thursday, 16 June 2016 (FAIRMONT GRAND HOTEL KYIV, 1, Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska Str., Kyiv)

9:00 AM

Delegate Registration at the Event Venue
Welcome morning coffee

9:30 AM




10:00 AM

Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Lana Sinichkina Partner, Arzinger, Kiev; Head of the IBA ECA Forum 2016 Host Committee
Oleksandr Padalka Partner, Sayenko Kharenko, Kiev
Jörg Menzer Partner, Noerr, Bucharest; Co-Chair, IBA Regional Fora Coordination Committee
Martin Šolc Managing Partner, Kocián Šolc Balaštík, Prague; IBA Vice President
Almudena Arpón de Mendívil Partner, Gomez-Acebo & Pombo, Madrid; IBA LPD Chair
Dr Irina Paliashvili Managing Partner, RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group, Kiev

I session

Panel: Showcase of the Host Country – Ukraine

Topics will include:

  • Three years of reform: how far Ukraine has progressed?
  • The country’s booming industries (IT, Agro, Energy)
  • Following rule of law

Lana Sinichkina Partner, Arzinger, Kiev; Head of the IBA ECA Forum 2016 Host Committee


Ex Legal practitioners in a new government:Alexey Filatov Deputy Chairman of the Administration of President of Ukraine, Kiev
Kozyakov Sergey Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Justice of Ukraine, Kiev
Pavlo Moroz Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Kiev
Vitaliy Kasko Ex General Prosecutor of the Ukraine, board member of Transparency International Ukraine, Kiev
Denys Bugay President, Ukrainian Bar Association, Kiev
Lyubov Akulenko Coordinator of Stronger Together information campaign, Executive Director of Ukrainian Centre of European Politics, Kiev

11:10 AM

Coffee break

11:30 AM

II session

A Look Ahead for the Legal Profession


Panel 1: The latest developments in legal business from the ECA region

Moderator: Oleksandr Padalka, Partner,  Sayenko Kharenko


Alexander Bolkvadze BLC Law Office, Tbilisi, Georgia

Oleg Efrim Efrim, Roşca şi Asociaţii, Chisinau

Konstantin Mikhel Vlasova, Mikhel & Partners, Minsk

Olga Prosyanyuk Averlex, Kiev
Leonid Tolstov VARUL, Tallinn


Panel 2: Law firm management: talents engagement and motivation – new generation, new challenges, leadership in law firms, knowledge management


Moderator: Irina Nikitina, Strategy and growth consultant, IOCONS


Tatiana Ignatovskaya Stepanovsky Papakul & Partners, Minsk 
Svetlana Musienko Partner, DLA Piper, Kiev
Yuriy Pustovit Partner, ABY Advocates Bureau Yug, Krasnodar
Sergey Saveliev Partner, Nektorov Saveliev and Partners; Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Ulan Tilenbaev Managing Partner, Kalikova & Associates, Bishkek
Irina Tymczyszyn Partner, Chadbourne & Parke, London

1:30 PM


2:30 PM

III session

Lobbying Services of Law Firms


Topics will include:

  • The history of success
  • Lobbying and Compliance
  • State Regulation of lobbying activities

Moderator: Michal Czarnuch, Partner, Domański Zakrzewski Palinka, Poland  


Dr Andrea Mogni Alber & Geiger
Claire Harris FTI Consulting, Brussels
Olga Prokopovych Microsoft, Government Affairs Central Eastern Europe, Kiev
Brian Mefford Business and political consultant, Kiev
Vitaliy Gordienko Head of Representative office at Abbott Laboratories, Kiev

3:40 PM

Coffee Break

4:00 PM

IV session

Increasing Demand for the International Dispute Resolution in the ECA Region

Topics will include:

  • How to make investment treaty arbitration available to small claim investors, including in emerging markets
  • Investment treaty arbitration as an instrument to promote the rule of law in emerging markets
  • Criminal law elements in investment treaty arbitration in emerging markets

Moderator: Valikhan Shaikenov, Partner, AEQUITAS, ECA region


Emmanuel Jacomy Partner, Shearman & Sterling, Hong Kong SAR
Maria Gritsenko Counsel, Brayan Cave, London
Christer Söderlund Partner, Magnusson, Stockholm, ICSID Panel of Arbitrators (appointed by Sweden)
Duncan Speller Partner, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, London
Baiju Vasani Partner, Jones Day, London

5:30 PM


6:30 PM

Buses leave the event venue

7:00 PM

Sports or Fashion?

A choice of events
Either watch the EURO 2016 Ukraine v Northern Ireland football match broadcast at the newly renovated Olympyisky Hall Or catch a glimpse of the Ukraine’s burgeoning fashion industry and participate in a fashion show at the famous art and historical centre – Mystetskyi Arsenal (The Art Arsenal).
Dress code for fashion event: cocktail attire.

Friday, 17 June 2016 (FAIRMONT GRAND HOTEL KYIV, 1, Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska Str., Kyiv)

9:00 AM

Welcome morning coffee at the Event Venue

9:30 AM

I session

Corporate Counsel Panel


Topics will include:
• The latest trends of corporate legal function activity. Any changes, new demands regarding external advisers, areas of the
required expertise
• The hot legal topics the corporations are concerned with
• Effective communication and fruitful cooperation with external lawyers – practical cases and recommendations

Iryna Nikolayevska Kinstellar, Kiev
Nadiya Bilous Head of Legal, British American Tobacco, Kiev
Zhanna Ihnatyuk Legal Counsel CIS, Abbott, Kiev
Andriy Slabinskiy Legal, Public affairs and GSR Manager, Pernod Ricard, Kiev
Alena Zolotarevskaya HPE Legal Counsel, Hewlett Packard

11:00 AM

Coffee break

11:30 AM

II session

Women in Legal Profession

Topics will include:

  • Gender diversity within a law firm: practical measures to recruit, promote and retain women?
  • Hiring a law firm: does gender diversity play any role?
  • Do the quotas work in corporate boards, political parties, professional organizations?
  • Advice to employers who want to create a successful workplace for women in legal profession

Moderator: Dr. Irina Paliashvili, Managing partner, RULG – Ukrainian Legal Group


Almudena Arpón De Mendívil Partner, Gomez-Acebo & Pombo, Madrid; IBA LPD Chair
Sharaf Asgarova Senior Associate, Ekvita Tax and Legal Services, Baku
Olena Sotnyk Member of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine, Kiev
Julia Shmydko Legal Director, Johnson & Johnson, Moscow
Oksana Voynarovska Partner, Vasil Kisil & Partners, Kiev

Open microphone
Vadim Novikov antitrust economist, Senior Research Fellow at
The Academy of National Economy and Public Administration,
Moscow – short presentation of the research results regarding the
role of gender in Russian litigation practice.


Free time


4:00 PM

Transfers to railway station

5:20 –

10.20 PM

11:00 PM

Train Kyiv – Lviv (Ukrainian traditional food on board)


Check-in in Lviv

Saturday, 18 June 2016 (Arena Lviv, 199, Stryiska Str., Lviv)

9:00 AM

Welcome morning coffee at Event Venue



10:30 AM





Welcome and Introductory Remarks from the regional leaders of new type

Andriy Sadovyy – the Mayor of Lviv

Michael Saakashvili – Governor of Odessa region, former President of Georgia


I session

Regional infrastructure and Business migration

Topics will include:

  • Business tourism as a new trend for regions
  • What shall a regional infrastructure offer to be a lucrative spot for business?
  • What are current trends of business migration and business reallocation?
  • How, where and when shall a business migrate? 

Moderator: Taras Yurynts, General Director Guldmann Ukraine, Chairman of EBA West Ukrainian Office


Nick Gvinadze Managing Partner, Gvinadze & Partners, Tbilisi

Theis Klauberg BNT Attorneys-at-law, Riga

Bernhard C Lauterburg Prager Dreifuss, Bern
Julian Ries Integrites, Kiev
Kamil Zawicki Kubas Kos Gałkowski, Warsaw

11:40 AM

Coffee break

12:00 PM

II session

Impact of development of outsourcing services (IT, telecom) on legal practice

Topics will include:

  • New assignments before legal counsel from the outsourcing area
  • Is there enough legal content for lawyers to specialize in the outsourcing industry?
  • Data protection, intellectual property rights, fraud, taxes: anything else?
  • How well is the outsourcing area functioning now and what will change in 5-10 years?

Moderator: David Arakhamia, CEO, Ukrainian branch of Template Monster (USA)


Olga Dzhochka Head of Legal Department, N-ix, Lviv
András Gurovits Partner, Niederer Kraft & Frey, Zurich
Friedrich Jergitsch Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Vienna
Szymon Kubiak Partner, Wardynskiy & Partners, Warsaw; Co-Chair, IBA European Regional Forum

1:30 PМ


2:30 PM



City tour

Dress code: comfortable, sporty.

7:30   PM

Closing Party and Dinner

Dress code: cocktail attire

Sunday, 19 June 2016 (Lviv)

6.30 AM – 7.30 PM Optional all-day tour to Carpathian Mountains. Tour includes visiting famous mineral water springs and exciting outdoor activities like paintball game, rope park, nature walk, as well as traditional Carpathian lunch

Conference Co-Chairs:

Prof. Dr. Jörg Menzer, S.P.R.L. Menzer & Bachmann – Noerr, Co-Chair of the Regional Fora Coordination Committee and Co-Chair of ECA

Lana Sinichkina, Arzinger, Ukraine, Partner, Head of the IBA ECA Forum 2016 Host Committee

Valikhan Shaikenov, Partner, AEQUITAS, ECA region

Yuriy Pustovit, Advocates Bureau Yug, Russia, Managing partner

Programme Co-Ordinators:

Lana Sinichkina, Arzinger, Ukraine, Partner, Head of the IBA ECA Forum 2016 Host Committee

Oleksandr Padalka, Sayenko Kharenko, Ukraine, Partner

Local Host Committee


Illyashev & Partners



Solodko & Partners

Spenser & Kauffmann

Vasil Kisil & Partners

За додатковою інформацією стосовно організації заходу звертайтеся, будь ласка, до Анастасії Глущенко за тел. +380 (44) 390-55-33, електронна пошта: Anastasiya.Glushenko@arzinger.ua.
З питань реєстрації на захід звертайтеся, будь ласка, до Ії Савченко за тел.: +380 (44) 492-88-48, електронна пошта: conference@uba.ua.

hotel accommodation

Participants are responsible for all travel arrangements and hotel booking.

Rooms with preferential rates are reserved for conference participants and their spouses. These will become available upon notifying the respective hotel about your participation in IBA ECA Forum.

This is a limited block of rooms so please book early as rates and availability cannot be guaranteed once the room block is full.

Accommodation in Kyiv


1 Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska Street

Kyiv 04070, Ukraine

TEL + 380 44 322 8888

FAX + 380 44 322 8899

International Numbers


The IBA has reserved a limited number of guestrooms with a special rate offer for the nights of 15-16 June 2016 inclusive at FAIRMONT GRAND HOTEL in Kyiv.

 Room type

Single accomm.


Double accomm.


Fairmont room



The above room rates include:

  • breakfast, health club, spa, 20% VAT and 1% city tax
  • these rates are only applicable for the above room block and within the mentioned period of time

To make a reservation please send the email to kyiv@fairmont.com or call + 380 44 322 8888 mentioning IBA ECA Forum.

Accommodation in Lviv

 The IBA has reserved a limited number of guestrooms with a special rate offer for the nights 17-18-19 of June 2016 inclusive at Leopolis Hotel in Lviv.

 Leopolis Hotel

16 Teatralna street

Lviv, Ukraine, 79008

Tel:  +380 32 295 95 00

Fax: +380 32 295 95 99

Email: hotel@leopolishotel.com


Room type

Single accomm.


Double accomm.











The above room rates include:

  • breakfast, spa, taxes (VAT), and do not include 1% city tourist tax
  • these rates are only applicable for the above room block and within the mentioned period of time

 To make a reservation please send the email to hotel@leopolishotel.com mentioning IBA ECA Forum.

promo video


Інформаційна підтримка

IBA ЄКА Форум 2016

15.06.2016 – 19.06.2016
00:00 – 00:00
Де відбудеться
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